Ch. 17: the old Queens Ritual

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Alfred rode his horse to the battlefield, accompanied with Ivan and Elizavéta. The Spades King watched around as the battlefield slowly began getting quieter. Men were lying dead on the ground and through out the horizon one could see Oliver and Arthur. Alfred rushed his horse to go faster but Elizavéta summoned up a shield before Alfred,
"Don't go. You will get killed at first sight. Think it through" Ivan told Alfred.
"Fuck! Let me go to Arthur!" Alfred yelled but Ivan did not hesitate.
" Alfred. Ivan is correct, the magic that man holds is powerful and dark..." Elizavéta warned but Alfred ignored them as he summoned his own magic. His blue eyes turned darker as he started using complete obedience. Ivan immediately avoided Alfred's eyes knowing the power was being used but it was too late for Elizavéta. She was under his spell.
"Remove the shield. Now." Alfred ordered as Elizavéta nodded. Hypnotized, she let down the shield that kept him apart from Arthur. "Thank you. Now you are released" Alfred commanded as Elizavéta was released from his complete obedient spell.
Alfred didn't think twice before he rushed to Arthurs side. Oliver saw Alfred ride towards Arthur, so he began summoning up weapons. Knives began to take shape above Oliver as he commanded them to be shot at Alfred.
"ALFRED!! WATCH OUT!!" Arthur yelled out as he ran towards Alfred, opening up a shield wall. Arthur shielded Alfred without a moment of hesitation. The knives began piercing his shield, but Arthur enforced it even more. Alfred got off his horse and hugged Arthur,
"Thanks dude, you protected me" Alfred said with a smile of happiness but Arthur only glared at him.
"You could have been killed if I hadn't come to save your arse!" Arthur yelled at him as he kept his shield up. The knives began pouring like heavy hail for them.
"Wait...who's he? He looks really similar..." Alfred commented
Arthur sighed in annoyance, "he's my double, from another world or something. This is fairly new to me too, but he has a huge obsession with me. He kills anyone I care about because he just wants me. He's the colorless King"
Alfred nodded in understandment,
"He wants you? Really?" Alfred asked
"Is that all you're concerned about?!" Arthur yelled at him
"Well.....I am your husband....and you belong to me. I won't let that bastard take what's mine" Alfred stated with a smirk. Arthur felt a blush come over his cheeks of embarrassment,
"You idiot! Don't say such things especially in combat! Can't you see you will distract me" Arthur yelled as he held the shield. Oliver was getting tired of Arthurs defense.
"Arthur!! Come out of there! It's no fun if you're in there" Oliver yelled out, as a spear was flung towards him from the side. Basch's spear. The diamonds Jack had tried to aim for his head. Oliver turned around towards basch and laughed. "Nice shot! But now it's my turn" he said as the colorless King summoned up even more soldiers. Dead ones, who crawled towards basch, some holding on to his legs.
"What the-" basch began saying as lily held out her hand and summoned up a magic circle around her brother, to protect him.
"Brother! Are you okay now?" She asked kindly as her magic had disintegrated many of the dead. Basch smiled,
"Yes I'm fine! Did you get Noah off your track?" Basch asked. She hesitated but only pointed behind her. Noah was running at full force towards her, a huge axe in his hands.
Arthur saw this from his standing. Using his magic he produced fire around Oliver, trying to hold him back.
"Alfred! Go to safety, and take Yao! He's over there. Please! Do this for me" Arthur pleaded to his King. Alfred looked heart broken, but nodded as he ran towards Yao and picked him up, taking his Friend back to a safer zone. Arthur sighed in relief as he summoned a sword. Anneliesse ran towards Arthur, the Austrian girl smiled kindly.
"I found Marie, and she's safe with Daniel. They will arrive soon, but for now I shall gladly fight at your side" anneliesse said with a determined look. She looked tired but still held on to her sword strongly.
Arthur smiled, "thank you, but this is a battle I must fight alone"
"I'm sorry I cannot allow that!" Anneliesse stated as she began running towards Oliver, her blade clashing with Oliver's. Oliver laughed at her useless attempts to hurt him.
"You used to be so obedient, Annie, what happened?" Oliver asked her
"I gained freedom!" She yelled at him as she spun around and used a smaller hidden blade to cut into his leg. Arthur gazed at the Austrian girl in surprise but smiled. Elizavéta rode her horse near Arthur when she dismounted and stood by the Brit.
"You have a plan on how to defeat him, don't you?" Elizavéta asked him
"Anneliesse said that Daniel and Marie are coming soon, so that may take a total of 5 minutes. Within 5 minutes anneliesse will be exhausted. Lily will use her magic to trap him in a box, but we need reinforcement. Elizavéta I believe you are clever enough for that. Kiku can maintain a firmer control on Oliver with his power and I...I will be inside the box with Oliver...once all the Queens use their magic, there will have to be a trigger...and I will trigger the magic enough to cause almost complete obliteration from the inside. The old Queens ritual. You know it right?" Arthur asked as he looked at his sword. Sadly.
"That will kill you! You can't possibly think-"
"He wants me. It is my fault that this war has started. I will be the one to kill him before he kills the ones I love, so please liz...don't tell the Kings about this." Arthur asked her with a sad smile. She sighed and nodded,
"You want us to combine our powers to share them with you and you can kill him...although there is a high chance of you dying from your body not sustaining the magic..." Elizavéta said with a quiet voice.
"I'm willing to take the chance. I can't always be clever, but clever enough to have hope" Arthur said as Kiku walked closer to them. Anneliesse held back Oliver for about 3 minutes long but she was getting tired.
"Liz. Please explain the idea to him, and I will explain it to lily" Arthur said as he began walking towards lily. Beginning to tell him her plan. She sadly nodded, but Kiku did not accept.
"Mr. Arthur! You cannot take the chance! You have a small chance of surviving, about 5 percent. Your body cannot sustain so much powerful magic" Kiku began explaining but Arthur smiled sadly.
"It's at a cost of my life versus the cost of everyone. Do you want your people to die more than they already have today?" Arthur asked Kiku. The Japanese man looked at the ground sadly.
"....I understand." He said. Arthur nodded. He turned to Elizavéta and smiled sadly,
"I-if I don't make it out...please tell Alfred that I truly did love him and only him" he said as he handed her a blue ring. His wedding ring. Elizavéta looked at Arthur surprised and sad, before he left. "Anneliesse! You're done! It's my turn!" Arthur yelled out and she nodded as she switched with him. Oliver smiled in happiness at seeing Arthur.
"You finally accepted to be mines?" Oliver asked
"Not exactly..." Arthur replied. "NOW!" He yelled out loud as lily summoned up a shield box, concealing them inside. Kiku touched the ground, creating a wall under the two doubles so there would be no way of escape. Elizavéta summoned up chains that reinforced the transparent shield box that lily had created.
"Diamonds, the kingdom of wealth and persuasion. Blessed by the clock, protect from and conceal the evil that lurks in the darkness" Lily said as her spell got stronger. Her magic flowing into Arthur.
"Please o' fair club of the clock. Bestow upon thee the luck that we so much protect. Defile those who are against us and Conceal the darkness!" Elizavéta summoned as her chains got stronger but her magic began to flow into Arthur as well.
"Prayest dearest heart, blessed by the Clock. protect with all might and love. deflect the evil that defiles thee." Kiku quietly said as his magic gleamed with red and pink.
Arthurs body held so much magic, that his green eyes gleamed with different colors of the kingdoms. Arthur was no longer Arthur. He held his sword out at Oliver.
Arthur swung at Oliver, cutting the colorless kings flesh. Blood flowing into the ground.
"I don't want to fight with you Arthur!" Oliver cried out in agony from pain but Arthur did not flinch at his words. Arthurs sword swung once more and cut Oliver's leg, Oliver began moving back. "I don't want to kill you. I love you"
"Then I will kill you" Arthur replied with a smile as he grabbed his sword and attacked once more. But Oliver moved out of the way, he held his blade at the Spades Queen.
"Then so be it"
Oliver charged at Arthur, kicking first but Arthur deflected each kick. He held onto Oliver's leg and threw the Mans body to the ground. The Brit pushed his double to the ground and plunged the sword into the enemies body. Oliver gasped in pain, his mouth beginning to spit out blood. Arthur twisted the blade in harder, ready to cause the imbalance of magic. Oliver laughed in pain as he watched Arthur.
"You trapped can't kill me...yet" Oliver said with a smile as Arthur plunged the sword in more into the flesh.
"The Spades, which was bestowed by The Clock. Eliminate those who do not obey and protect. Defile the evil and become the power and strength that thy needs" Arthur said as the last Kingdoms magic flowed through him. The imbalance of magic occurring. A strong flash of light came from Arthurs chest, and everything began to turn white.

From outside the walls and chains around Arthur were the Kings who watched. Alfred watched from afar as he saw Arthur fight and the magic that flowed to him. Francis watched and began panicking when he saw lily's magic be shared with Arthur.
"He can't take that much magic! What is mon Cher thinking-" Francis began saying but Ludwig answered him
"He's killing the enemy at the cost of his life. Dark magic has to be eliminated by greater magic. This is an old ritual" the German said with a straight face.
"Arthur can't die. I need to-" Alfred began saying as he started running towards the Queens ritual.
Ludwig ran quickly before the American and stopped him. "You can't stop the ritual anymore! It's already almost done, Arthur won't be able to live after-" Ludwig began saying but Alfred pushed him aside.
"SHUT UP! I need to save Arthur!" Alfred yelled as he took out his strong sword. Ludwig took out his sword as well ready to fight the Spades King.
"Have faith that he'll come out alive" Francis suggested as he got closer to Alfred. But
Alfred moved away, every Jack got closer to Alfred.
"Get out of my way! I command this!" Alfred yelled as his complete obedience began to work and everyone except Ivan. They moved out of the way. Ivan looked away from Alfred. Closing his eyes, the Russian ran infront of Alfred.
"Arthur is almost done with the ritual. Let it be!" Ivan said as he kept his eyes closed. Alfred swung his sword at the Russian, but Ivan deflected the sword. "I have trained enough in combat to know where my opponent is even in the dark. Leave the ritual alone" ivan warned but Alfred wasn't willing to. He fought Against Ivan trying to get around him but Ivan fought with Alfred enough time that the ritual was completed.
The white flashing light was strong, and everyone closed their eyes.
What was left of Arthur Kirkland?

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