Ch.27: "pregnancy test"

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((Note: I love you all...just wanted to say that because I used to have a low self esteem when it comes to my writing. But thanks to you all, for supporting me and helping me with ideas and such! Enjoy!!))

The next 3 months passed swiftly for Alfred. Yao noticed Alfred had his time was consumed with parliament, balls, which he wasn't interested in. The Chinese man even noticed that Alfred was working more than he should, and would sometimes sleep very late. Alfred was used to Arthur always being The one who worked later than anyone, fixing things, re arranging speeches and even reading treaties with other countries. It was clear that the American missed his Brit a lot. He had dinner dates with so many nobles and even his friends the Royals. Many women began fancying Alfred a lot more since the queen had gone away for personal reasons. Gilbert passed by every twice a month whenever he wanted just to tell him about Arthur. Arthur still hadn't woken up...but after three months of waiting, Gilbert brought Alice to Arthur. She was dressed nicely in a green dress, since she decided to stay in Clubs for personal reasons...she had finally found the 'soldier boy' she had fought during the war and she didn't kill him. Scott Kirkland.
"You're dating Scott?" Alfred asked amused.
Alice blushed. "Well....I'm not actually his sister, so it's fine right?" she asked worried
" have Arthurs blood...just slightly changed. I think it's alright! Besides he would be glad to welcome you to the family" Alfred said as his eyes saddened a little
"About Arthur" she began saying, Alfred turned to the British girl, full attention to her.
"Arthur won't be returning in 6months....maybe 9?" She informed slightly worried of the Americans reaction. Alfred nodded,
"And why is that?" He asked her
"He woke up a while ago, to be precise. He's fine now. His memories are a bit out of place though, and his magic is considerably weak. He also told me to tell you that he will bring you a present when he arrives" Alice said happily
"A present?"
"I wanted to ask, have you thought of an heir to the throne?" She asked
"Huh? Heir?! Uh...well...I-uh....with Arthur I can't have a son or daughter. I wouldn't mind adopting if he wanted to.. But I couldn't possible think of creating an heir to the throne with a woman" Alfred said as he drank some coffee. "I would never be unfaithful to Arthur, he's my one and only" Alfred said as he laughed lightly. "You probably think that's corny"'
"Not one bit, but anyways. I didn't come all the way from just tell you what Arthur said. Gilbert Could have done that. But I came here to give you this" she said with a smile, as she handed Alfred a letter that held a present inside. "And no, this isn't Arthurs present" she reminded him. Alfred began to open the letter, a ring dropping onto his hand, it was a golden ring, with an encryption inside, ''A.F.J, My King"
"Arthur is also getting lessons on how to control natural elements form the clock and the deck. He will be in a whole new level soon" Alice said with a smile as she stood up. "I will leave you now, Have fun with his letter" she said with a laugh as she left Alfred to read it.

'Dear Alfred
You probably miss me as much as I miss you...but I promise to come back, of course not after 6months. I have decided to stay for a while longer, for personal reasons. I will of course tell you all of it later when we meet. I hope you haven't been to lonely, or causing Yao any problems. You are a King after all.
I should probably write about the days I spend here in this mystical world. It's quite beautiful, the fairies are kind. There are weird half human and half animal people, they all are quite a sight to see! Oh! And Emma! I get to see her everyday now.
I spend most of my time with the clock, who is currently teaching me the basics of magic...apparently I have gotten extremely weak at my magic using. But I hopefully will improve. I did regain my soul though, She had it. The deck says 'hi' by the way. He says that we all will visit soon, and that when we do...that you should throw a huge party and a huge banquet because he eats a lot (no, he doesn't eat hearts).
I better get going now,
I can't wait to see you again ya git
Sincerely, Arthur'

Alfred smiled at the letter, knowing that Arthur was no good at expressing himself through just a letter but with his words.

After 6months, Noah had returned. He was staying with the diamonds royals, happily being the 'youngest sibling in the Zwingli family' according to Francis. Alfred gladly went to go see Noah at his welcoming ball and his '22nd birthday' which was also lily's birthday.
Alfred and Yao had gone to the party happily. The Chinese man watched his king from afar watching if the american would actually be unfaithful some day because he took too many drinks or something like he used to be when he was a prince. But Alfred had changed a lot, from his princely days to his kingly days. Yao had noticed that Alfred meeting Arthurs had changed him into a better person, a king who adored his nation for its individually rather than just his responsibility and duty.

Noah walked up to Alfred and handed him a letter. "From Arthur, ' wait another 2 month' That's what he said" Noah informed as he smiled at Alfred.
"More months? It has almost been a year. How much is he willing to stay with The clock?" Alfred complained. Noah laughed
"It's because he's been trying to create a certain present. By the way that reminds me" Noah began saying as he handed Alfred another present just the way Alice did.
"What's this?" Alfred asked
"A pregnancy test dude" Noah replied with a hint of sarcasm but truth, Causing Alfred to laugh as well.
The American opened the present only to find a small clock in it
"A Spadish looks like it belongs to a king," Alfred commented. Noah laughed,
"Something like that" he said as he winked at the American and began walking away to go talk to people. The american stayed dumbstruck with confusion. Was Noah foreshadowing something? Alice did the same as well...just maybe?

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