Ch.16: Oliver Kirkland

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Elizavéta slung her sword once more at Sakura but missed, feeling sakuras blade cut the side of her cheek. A small cut, but far too close. Elizavéta kicked Sakura away, just when a spear was flung between them. Both women looked at who had thrown the object.

Feleciano Vargas stood meters away but his aim had been perfect! It had definitely gotten their attention and even broke their fight. Before the Italian man, there was the Japanese male Queen, Kiku. He walked calmly towards the girls.
"Sakura, I told you, we have some things to settle" Kiku said as he walked closer to her.
Sakura stepped back, holding the samurai closer and harder.
"How can you still be alive!? You had to handle daniel and Noah!" Sakura yelled at him
Kiku smirked as he summoned up his samurai sword too. Holding it at his side, ready for any sudden moves.
"Daniel was beaten by anneliesse. Noah is fighting against Queen lily and Jack Basch"
"Those idiots..." She mumbled through her gritting teeth. She was angry and had a heavy thirst for blood.
"Mrs. Elizaveta you may leave to your beloved, I shall take care of this. Feleciano please summon your weapons. Protect Mr. Arthur." Kiku ordered as feleciano bowed.
He really did seem like a different person. His green eyes had turned darker, determined, and deadly. But his smile was still kind. Arthur gazed upon the Italian and Japanese feeling relieved to see them. Feleciano summoned his spear at once, the long weapon, shining to its potential beauty but it's blade tip stained with blood.
"Fe-Feleciano is that really you?" Arthur asked him
The Italian stood at Arthurs side and smiled with a wink.
"Of course it's me ve~!"
"But you're so different"
"Ve~? Sorry! Grandpa taught me some things to control my fear in battle especially since I don't want to lose anyone I love..." Feleciano said as his kind green eyes turned sad for a few seconds but he looked at Arthur and smiled. "I'm a very good person! I love pasta, girls, singing, ice cream and my Family!"
Arthur laughed at the Italian being so friendly and kind even in battle.

Alfred gazed at the battle from afar. He couldn't go no matter how much he wanted to. His heart ached for Arthur Kirkland and worried for his people. Mathias walked into the camp holding his arm, blood smeared over his armor.
"King Alfred! Hey! How are you?" Mathias asked with a smile despite his injury. Emil face was worried for his older brother but he seemed happy to see his big brother happy,
"Brother! You're wounded! Let's get Lukas-"
"Emil! I'm okay! I promised I was going to protect you didn't I? Y'see big bro here likes seeing you safe-" Mathias began saying before Lukas came over to him, looking at his wound. Healing him quickly.
"Idiot, I told you to protect him. You're making him worry" Lukas said as he concentrated on healing mathias' wound. Mathias laughed nervously
"I did protect him...see! Emil is safe-"
"Idiot, you should be too!" Lukas stated as he slightly sighed in annoyance. Alfred smiled at their brotherhood, knowing that Lukas was really worried despite how he insulted Mathias.
"I never expected war to be so...fucking....tiring" Alfred mumbled
"Ya worried for Queenie?" Mathias asked him.
Alfred felt his heart ache more. "Y-yes but I can't go into battle...they have soldiers patrolling around me, the Kings of other Kingdoms have even told me that if I dare to go into battle that they won't help me try win this war" Alfred informed.
Mathias laughed and patted him on the back.
"I'm telling ya! Queenie will be alright! He's real tough! And I saw him before I came here. He's fighting with all he's got too!"
Alfred sighed and chuckled, "he really is the best Queen"

The samurai swords clashed against eachother as they kept running at eachother. The soldiers could see the Sparks of the samurai sword clash. Kiku held no mercy as he swung his sword left and right, deflecting sakuras blade. Her red eyes blazed as she ran at him, her hatred consuming her each minute. Her body was tired and exhausted but her mind was determined to kill her brother for revenge.
"YOU COULD'VE HELPED ME BUT YOU LET LUDWIG KILL ME I HATE YOU! DIE!" Sakura yelled at him as she plunged her sword at Kiku. But Kiku spun, deflecting the sword, his blade cutting into her flesh.
"You aren't MY Sakura anymore." Kiku said as she gasped in pain from the blade entering her body. It trespassed through her. She spat blood out, her blade fell to the ground and her red eyes began to turn dim, to a light pink and brown.
"Br-brother...."she whispered as her body started going limp. Kiku held on to her as he kneeled, still hugging her.
"I'm relieving you from this world because you are no longer the Sakura that used to live"
"Br-brother....I'm sorry....thank you...for....everything" Sakura said as if realizing her error. her pink brownish eyes began to lose their spark. Her eyes welled up with tears, which began flowing down her cheeks. "Thank you....goodbye nii-San"
Kiku's eyes hid behind his bangs as he looked down. His heart ached but he knew he had no choice but to end things. Sakura's body went limp, her frail arms that had held on to him fell to the ground. Kiku let her go, setting her body to the ground. His tears fighting to come out but he held on. He gazed upon his sisters corpse, her eyes opened to the sky. The Male Queen closed her eyes and kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight Sakura-chan" he mumbled as her body started to turn into a light. Beginning to disperse and flow into the atmosphere. Her life beginning to erase itself from reality. She wasn't real to begin with, her soul was no longer free there but rather trapped in a fake body. Kiku gazed at her disappearing body, that turned into cherry blossom flower petals that began flowing and disappearing into the atmosphere. Arthur gazed upon the Hearts queen, his voice unable to speak when Feleciano smiled sadly.
"Kiku-chan didn't want this to happen...but he had no choice" the Italian said as he deflected an arrow that was shot at Arthur and him. "Arthur, could you please excuse me, I'm going to protect My Queen" Feleciano said with another sad smile as he walked towards the Japanese man who still stayed kneeling at the ground.
Arthur said nothing as he understood perfectly that losing someone hurts. But he remembered he was still in battle. The Spades Queen gazed around once again when his eyes fell upon the one he most wanted to kill. The Colorless King.

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