Chapter 1

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I woke up to the bright morning sun shining directly in my line of vision, surpassing the thin cream silk curtains blowing in the cool breeze of my open bedroom window. I rubbed my eyes as I let out a pouting sigh, followed by a loud grunt as I lazily rolled out of my comfortable bed and to my feet. My toes crinkled up when they collided with the cold, polished cherry red wood of my floor.

I tiptoed over to my bathroom where I plugged in my hair straighter before making my way over to my messy excuse for a closet. The clothes were stacked up carelessly and some wrinkled t-shirts were thrown onto crooked metal hangers.

I ruffled through my thick pile of clothes on the floor before grabbing a pale peach colored blouse, the back etched with a whimsical yet elegant lace pattern. I paired the top with dark mid thigh denim shorts and a pair of open toed silver sandals.

I slipped the pieces of clothing on my summer tanned body before heading back into the bathroom, applying a slim line of pitch black eyeliner and a double coat of mascara. I straightened my rather recently highlighted brunette hair, making small, sweet curls at the ends. I brushed my side bang to the side before finishing my look with a flushed pink spot of blush.

I ran down the steps to the kitchen, where my father was reading his daily newspaper. I gave him a small smile which he didn't catch, his face hidden by the comics section.

"Morning dad," I mumbled while pouring myself a bowl of cereal. I diced up the ripest peach I could find and mixed them with the cereal.

"Morning sweetheart," My dad replied back, his words followed by a light cough.

"Where's mom?" I asked, making my way over to the dining table. My dad folded down his newspaper and straightened his glasses. He cleared his throat, holding his hand up to his mouth,

"Had to go to work early," he murmured and I nodded in response.

I quickly finished my bowl, sliding the empty china into the dishwasher.

"I'll be home around three, give or take," I called to my dad, picking my shook bag off of the kitchen island.

"Alright sweetheart, good luck on your first last day. See you then," My dad waved over to me, sending me a warm smile.

"See you then," I smiled back, nodding to him as I walked towards the front door.

I made my way out into the sunny streets. The cars were quickly speeding by, set on their normal daily routines. The walk to school for me was a good ten minutes, but honestly I didn't mind it much. I would like to think that it perked me up for my day to come.

When the dreary brick building slowly came into sight I let out a deep sigh, one, because it was the beginning of a new school year, and two, because it would be my very last.

I'm not really good with change, in fact I absolutely hate it. I've become so used to high school and I'm not sure if I'm ready to move on quite yet. Sadly I have no choice, but I guess that's life.

When I past through the heavy glass front doors I immediately started to look for my friends, and of course it didn't take long. We've met every day in the same place for the past four years.

They were sitting down on the marble bench near the main office. Once they saw me they waved me over, there eyes caring a bit more than panic.

"Hey guys," I smiled, siting down beside them. They all gave me looks, there faces pale white.

"What?" I laughed. I honestly couldn't help but laugh, they were being so serious.

"This year's going to be a nightmare," Layla groaned from the opposite side of the bench.

"Why?" I asked Anna with a hint of a smile. She always had a perfect reasonable answer for everything.

I watched as she fiddled with her red polished fingernails. She pushed the bridge of her glasses up before speaking,

" remember that boy Harry from tenth grade?" She asked, her eyes still locked on her lap.

"No," I answered trying to recall any memory of a Harry but couldn't.

"You don't? Harry...Harry Styles?" She asked again, this time looking up to face me with an arched eyebrow.

"No," I laughed, shaking my head.

"That's surprising since he was all the talk that year," Anna mumbled, fixing her loose curls.

"What about him?" I pushed further, knowing there was more.

"He's back," Layla finished, over exaggerating her annoyance by hastily pinching the bridge of her nose.

"So?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows together.

"Harley he's been to jail! That's where he's been for the past three years," Layla spat and her attitude towards me took me aback.

"Just stay out of his way and he'll stay out of yours," I reassured them and Layla rolled her eyes.

"I've heard he's looking for his soulmate," Anna murmured and I shot her a confused look.

"And what makes you believe that person is right here at this very school?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

It was very unlikely, out of the seven billion people in this word, that his soulmate would be right here in a building holding a grand total of three thousand students.

"I don't, but I think he's very determined to find who ever it is," she continued, looking down at her pearl white vans.

"I just don't get why someone like him would even," Layla whispered and I gave her a cold look.

"Anybody's capable of love," I mumbled and Layla just broke out into an obnoxious laugh.

"You really think a guy who spends all of his spare time getting into fights and god knows what else is capable of love? I'd like to see him try," Layla spit back.

A smile spread across my face and I I too began to laugh,

"You never know, you could be his soul mate," I teased.

Layla just stuck her middle finger up at me and Anna gasped.

"Stop you two," She giggled looking up at me.

Her smile practically had dropped, no was ripped off of her face when her eyes darted behind me. She quickly looked down, fixing her glasses.

"He's watching us," she whispered and Layla's eyes widened when she looked behind me just like Anna had done just the second before.

"Shit he's coming over here," Layla whispered, her voice shaky as she looked back over at me.

"Act busy," she mouthed and I nodded, pulling my phone out from my back pocket.

I tucked my necklace under my shirt so it was out of sight. I didn't want to take any chances.

I felt a tall figure standing by my side and immediately knew it was him. When the smell of his incredibly strong and musty cologne hit my nose it sent shivers down my spine.

"I don't ever remember seeing you here before babe, what's your name?" He asked, his voice deep and raspy. It was much different than I had imagined it would be. He had an English accent so I immediately recognized that he wasn't from around here.

It was obvious he was talking to me. I didn't answer, instead I just looked up from my phone and stared at Layla and Anna with wide eyes. Layla coldly shrugged her shoulders and Anna gave me a nod, telling me to give him my name.

I kept my eyes ahead of me and whispered,


"Pretty name babe," he spoke after a few seconds and I could hear the smirk lingering in his voice.

I just nodded and went back to looking at my phone.

"Look at me babe," he demanded, his voice holding no emotion whatsoever.

I let out a sigh before looking up at him. As soon as I did my mouth slightly parted at his unexpected beauty. His perfectly clear face held rose red lips which dawned a crooked smirk. His wavy dark chocolate hair was pushed back, coming down to just behind his ears. His eyes were a bright green, I noticed how they shined in the bright lighting radiating off of the ceiling.

His smirk seemed to grow when he noticed me scanning his every feature with my own two eyes.

"Give me your phone," he nodded, gesturing to my phone.

He was now bending down so he was eye level with me, which wasn't easy since he stood easily at six foot.

I cautiously handed my phone over, his hand reached out in front of me.

He flipped through my phone, his face lighting up blue from the screen. He stuck his tongue out as he concentrated on whatever he was doing.

"There you go babe," he winked, handing it back.

"What did you do?" I asked, my voice much more cowardly than I had originally hoped.

"Put my number in there, just incase you decide to call," he winked once more and I let out a sound of digust.

I knew it was probably not the best way to respond so I looked down hoping he didn't hear.

"See you around Harley," He spoke emotionless, the ends of his lips curling upward, before turning on his heel and walking away. The sound of his heavy black boot could be heard with every long stride his incredibly long legs took.

"No damn way," Layla's voice whined as she put her head in her hands.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Did you catch a look at his necklace Harley?" Layla whispered, her head shooting up so her blue eyes were now piercing into mine.

I just sat there and shook my head. Layla let out a groan and her eyebrows came together.

"Let me see your necklace one more time Harley," Anna spoke calmly, gesturing to my arm.

I cautiously pulled my necklace from behind my shirt and laid the charm in her hand. It was in the shade of a bird, it's wings spread as if was in mid air.

It didn't take Anna long to examine it,

"They're the exact same," she whispered, her voice high pitched with absolute disbelief.

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