Chapter 50

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That night, my parents came home to an empty house.  

 But you know, movie night started like most movie nights should: with cheap bagged popcorn, a nice, unopened liter of orange soda.  All-in-all it was cuddlesome and deluging with complete tenderness.  But as the movie proceeded and the tension grew, an equal amount of horniness made itself known in Harry.  He would laugh against my ear and then bite it; nuzzle my neck and then kiss it.  When a somewhat scary scene would commence—and you know the cheesy music that does along with it—he would wrap his arms around me and squeeze tight.  Comparing him to a hungry anaconda would be suiting, but all he really wanted was to be closer.

 By the time he was practically straddling me I told him what he was doing was, in essence, inappropriate.  There is no way we can do this here, I said.  So of course he grabbed me by the waist and flung me over his shoulder, practically dragging me out of my home and to his car.  At his house he just barely took the time to turn on the light, let alone take off his shoes.  And his seventies head board could sure take a beating.


With groggy eyes and unfavorable morning breath, I awoke to an already dressed Harry.  His damp hair was brushed back freely and a sodden bathroom towel lie in his hands.  “Just took a shower,”  He informed me and I nodded without any actual clear understanding.  “Don’t think you’ll have time for one yourself, though.  We’ve got to get you back to your parents.  School starts in less than a half an hour.”

 I groaned and rolled on my side, taking the white twisted sheets along with me.  “Fantastic.”  I mumbled.  “My parents are going to kill me—no my father is going to kill me.  Oh god my father.  I am dead, deader than freaking roadkill, deader than a spider on the floor of a third grade classroom—deader than a god damn door nail.  I am dead.”

 “Everything is fine,”  Harry spoke in a calm tone with ease.  “Now this is going to sound bad at first, very bad, like super bad, but I called your father.  I had to use your phone considering that I, conventionally, do not have his number.  On the spot I came up with the best lie that I could.  And of course I forgot the names of your friends being the incredibly amazing boyfriend that I am, so I told him you were working on a project with Benny and that you decided to spend the night considering you were up till like one in the morning working on it.  One long sentence short—he said it's okay.  And so that means that you're safe.  For now.  I mean, I told him about Ben.  Told him he’s a good kid and all; you know that one isn’t a lie.  I’ll drive to your house so you can get dressed and whatever and then we’ll head off to good ole school.  And I know you don’t want to go and I know you wish it was Friday, but I promised your dad I would get you to school.  And that’s going to happen.”

At lunch, later in the day, Harry told me how he wouldn't be able to drive me home.  He told me he had filled out a job application, and wanting to know more, the job—wherever it may of been—wanted to interview him in person.  I told him it was fine and that I would take the bus.  But on my way to the bus port that afternoon, I ran into Sawyer.  And an idea popped into my head.

“Hey Sawyer.”  I said, sitting down beside him on the bench I had found him on the day before.  He looked up and greeted me with a smile.  “Harley, it’s a big shock seeing see you here.”  He said.

“Are you doing anything this afternoon?”  I asked, crossing my one leg over the other.  He shrugged.  “I was planning on sleeping.  Homework and sleep.  That’s ll I have planned.  That’s all I really have planned anymore.  So, I guess, to answer your question: no.  Why’d you ask?”

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