Chapter 6

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I didn't argue, knowing my little attempt would be utterly useless. I honestly didn't even think anybody would try anything on me anyways.

Harry's grip around my hand tightened once he realized that all eyes were on us. I kept my head down, my cheeks beginning to flame up, my eyes were shyly glued to my shoes. I didn't like attention, all in all it was something I tried my best to avoid.

"Where are you going from here?" Harry asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"English, room B-12." I answered, finally darting my eyes up to meet his.

"I have to head to Math, which is on the opposite side of the school. I'll see you at lunch?"

"If you don't mind sitting with Layla and Anna, then yeah, sure."

Harry licked his bottom lip,

"I thought it could just be me and you."

"Why? People will just stare at us." I asked. I was becoming slightly annoying at the fact he just expected me to push my friends away.

"That's the point." He smirked.

"You seem to attract a rather...large crowd."

"I know." He mumbled, his gaze slowly moving it's way down to our interlocked hands. His small smile that followed made my breathing hitch.

"Doesn't that annoy you?" I asked.

"What? He asked, snapping his head up.

"The attention." I spoke, using my free hand to move a stray hair out of my face.

"Not really. You grow used to it after a while."

"Oh." I sighed, slowly pulling my hand out of his.

"What are you doing?" He asked, furrowing his eyes rows."

"Heading to class? We have a minute before it starts."

"Wait." He called just as u turned my back to him.


Harry gave me his signature smirk,

"Just make sure you keep your necklace in view."

I absentmindedly rolled my eyes before heading up the short flight of stairs to the English wing. Just as I reached the right room the bell rang, making me thankfully just on time. I was the last to entire the class, leaving only a few empty desks.

I found a seat towards the back of the class, sandwiched between two girls I didn't know. They were both busy on their phones so I didn't even bother to say, "hi".

The teacher almost immediately started calling attendance and then proceeded with the class rules and procedures, leaving me without chance to get to know anybody new.

The classes leading up to lunch went rather quickly, besides math of course, which seemed to drag on. I didn't run into Harry in the hallways which was odd, I figured I'd spot him since he seemed to practically tower over the other students.

Before I knew it I was searching for Layla, Anna, and somewhat Harry. I knew for a fact Layla and Anna would already be together, so it wouldn't be that hard to find them. Harry was a completely different story. I had absolutely no clue where he could of been.

I decided to head to the table where we had sat for the past couple of years, figuring things wouldn't have changed, and I was right. Layla and Anna were sitting, facing the crowd, but they still hadn't recognize my presence. I snuck around the side and sat across from them, their eyes going wide once they saw me.

"Oh my god Harley," Layla started but Anna cut her short,

"Practically the entire school knows about you and Harry." She spoke quickly, her words jumbled together in one quick breath.

"That's not a surprise," I sighed, resting my elbows on the table.

"He wanted me to sit with him today."

"Well are you?" Anna asked.

"I don't know where he is."

"Are you going to look for him?" Layla asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shrugged,

"He can look for me."

Layla smirked, "Good point."

Anna's eyes darted from Layla to the space behind me,

"Well it looks like he has."

{Short sorry, I just wanted to update because you guys were being so supportive and you seemed like you really wanted me to update :) xo}

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