Chapter 9

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I've never been one interested in history, so for me the class period which only lasted a total of fifty minutes unfortunately felt like a good three hours.

Once the teacher went through roll call, she went through a PowerPoint that explained all of the different subjects we'd cover over the span of the school year, my mind finding the information utterly unnecessary as it wondered elsewhere.

The loud bell signaling the end of the period broke me out of my daze and I quickly collected my things, which luckily only consisted of an unused notebook and a mechanical pencil. I threw the two items into my bag before crossing through the door way, immediately greeted with a rather bored Harry leaning on the wall across from it.

Once his eyes found me his bitterly straight lips formed a smirk. He pushed himself off of the wall as he headed over towards me,

"Ready to go?" He asked, delicately taking my hand in his. His grip tightened once I nodded in response.

He lead me down the hall and through the front doors, right into the secluded student parking lot. Once we reached his somewhat new black Mercedes, Harry opened the passenger door for me. His little action was so sweet, something you wouldn't usually see a teenage boy doing, that's for sure.

"Thanks." I mumbled, sliding down onto the dark leather.

Harry only nodded before quickly closing the door. I swear I saw his cheeks flash a light shade of crimson as he jogged in front of the car to get to the driver's seat.

Once Harry was seated he pulled a grey beanie from out the back seat and threw in on his head, his curls poking out from the sides. It looked cute on him.

Without another word Harry put the key in the ignition, and before I knew it we were on the main highway.

"So where do you live exactly?" Harry laughed.

"Up at the next light, make a right and then two lights down make a left." I instructed, my eyes lingering on Harry's soft features as he studied the road in front of him.

"Sounds easy enough." Harry smiled, which in turn made me do the same.

After a little bit more directing, Harry came to a stop next to the curb.

"Do you want me to walk you to your front door?" He asked, his eyes finding mine as he turned his body towards me.

"No, no I'm fine." I nodded, reaching for the door handle.

Once my hand met the cold metal Harry's voice stopped me,

"Wait, Harley-"

I turned my head and raised an eyebrow as Harry reached out to take my empty hand in one of his.

"Yes?" I asked, my voice sounding faint and breathless due to Harry's antagonizing stare.

Without a verbal answer, Harry started leaning towards me. My breath hitched in my throat as his face came closer to mine. His lips slowly came in contact with the very corner of my mouth before he pulled away, his lips spread into a tiny smile.

"See you tonight." He winked, lightly biting down on his bottom lip.

"See you tonight." I repeated, dumfounded, a smile etched on my face before finally opening the car door and stepping out. I quickly walked up the pathway to the front door and waved back at Harry before turning the door knob and stepping inside.

Once I stepped into the living room I could already feel my dad's eyes focused on me, although my eyes remained on my feet.

"You're home early." He commented, breaking the awkward silence.

"I um, I got a ride." I mumbled, sliding my sandals off and looking up at him. He was typing away on his laptop, his glasses riding dangerously low on the bridge of his nose.

"A ride? From l who?" He asked, pushing his little interrogation even further.

"Harry." I answered simply.

"A boy? Harry?" My dad asked. I couldn't sense a single emotion in his voice and it made me uncomfortable.

"Yes." I shrugged.

My dad's eyes finally shot up to study my expression.

"A boyfriend?" He asked, hastily pushing his glasses back on his face with his index finger.

"Harry he's um...he's uh, yeah." I answered, my words coming out uncertain. My palms were already becoming moist and clammy and that wasn't a good sign. I couldn't even imagine what tonight would be like.

I decided me and Harry could tell my parents about our matching pendants together, tonight. It was a rather big deal after all. It's not like we were getting married or anything, but it certainly meant something serious.

My dad was about to speak but I cut him off,

"He's coming over tonight, actually."

My dad furrowed his eyebrows,


"Yeah, at six."

My dad coughed into his sweater sleeve to clear his throat,

"He might as well just come over for dinner then."

"D-dinner?" I stuttered.

"Yeah." My dad answered, his lips curving up into a very unexpected small smile.

"O-okay. I'll tell then?"

My dad shrugged,

"Six-thirty is fine."

"Alright." I nodded before rushing towards the staircase.

I stumbled up to my room, by the time I plopped down on my bed I had Harry's number already dialed.

"Harley?" He asked into the phone.

"Hey yeah, um change of plans. You're coming over for dinner." I spoke, twisting a stand of hand around my finger out of habit.

"Um, okay?"

"Yeah, that's about it I guess."

"So what time should I come over than, still six?"

I sighed into the phone, "Six-thirty."

"Okay. Sounds good."

"Bye Harry."

"Goodbye Harley."

I ended the call and threw my phone onto the empty space next to me on the mattress.

A few minutes had passed and downstairs I heard a door creak open along with the sound of keys clattering, immediately knowing my mom was home from work. I got up off of the bed and stretched, before slowly making my way down the steps. I walked into the kitchen where I spotted my mom making a pot of coffee,

"Hey, how was the first day of school?" My mom asked, hey eyes lighting with anticipation as look up at me.

"Good." I answered simply.

"Good? Just good?" My mom asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

I couldn't help but laugh, "Well-"

"Your father told me about Harry." She cut in, a huge smile plastered on her face.

I felt my cheeks heat up, "Yeah. It's for if he comes over for dinner right?"

"Absolutely." My mom chirped.

"Okay, cool." I smiled back.

"So what's he look like?" My mom asked, her voice soft.

"Um, he's uh, he's got curly hair. Green eyes. He's really tall." I shrugged.

I wasn't completely sure if I should mention his many piercings and tattoos, something I knew my parents weren't too fond of. I decided to keep it out. They could see them for themselves tonight. I still remember how I had to practically beg them to let me get my ears pierced. Besides they shouldn't judge him without meeting him anyways.

"Well he sounds handsome." My mom winked.

I shyly nodded, "Yeah he's...different."

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