Chapter 32

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After me and Harry drank our cups of coffee; during which I learned the not-so-shocking fact that he took his black, we both agreed to waste the rest of our pesky hour-and-a-half watching pointless t.v. shows out in his living room. I followed Harry out of the kitchen and Harry insisted in cleaning the coffee table off first since it was a, 'mess'. Once he was done he sat down first and I followed in suit, plopping down a few inches to his left.

Almost immediately my arm was being tugged by Harry's hand, our sides quickly coming in contact. His arm wrapped loosely around my waist and the heat radiating off of his body gave me the shivers before finally warming me up greatly. I let out a laugh when Harry's soft breath fanned over my ear,

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked, his voice breaking off into a laugh of it's own.

"Well, I don't really like to watch t.v., what kind of shows are you into?" I asked, turning my head so our eyes met.

"I think I asked you first." He countered, jokingly raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but it's your house." I shrugged.

"This is going to be a long day, I can just feel it." He chuckled, my hand not waisting a second to swing upwards; playfully making soft contact with his upper arm.

"Hey. Watch it." He whined, bringing his arm up and stoking it with his other hand. The smile he has trying to suppress showing through.

After an episode of Doctor Who, which Harry singlehandedly suggested, and my countless jokes about how Harry seemed more like a "The Walking Dead" kind of guy, Harry got up from the couch and disappeared into what I had assumed to be his bedroom. He came back out a few minutes later with a warn-out brown jacket coating his usual white t-shirt. He had a cream colored sweater balled up in his hands and before I could blink he had it help up to me,

"You should put this on, it's freezing outside."

I shook my head,

"No, no I'm fine."

"It's like sixty degrees out." Harry protested, holding the sweater up closer to me.

"Oh, like I'm gonna freeze to death, catch hypothermia." I joked.

"Just, please." Harry mumbled, now basically forcing it in my hands.

I slowly took it out of his hands and thanked him with a nod before slipping it over my head. Of course it was huge on me, it was probably huge on Harry as well. I wanted to laugh once my mind imagined Harry wearing such a thing, but I guess it was just for cold weather, bumming around at home or something.

The long, thick sleeves surpassed my hands forcing to roll them up, the hem of it coming down to just below my belt.

"You look cute." Harry nodded, taking in my full appearance.

"As do yourself." I nodded back, a small chuckle ringing through the air.

"Thanks." He sarcastically gushed, running a hand through his pushed back set of curls.

I watched as he walked past me and headed straight into the open kitchen, his shoes clicking against the tiled floor as he did so. He started digging through countless drawers and cabinets, scraping up any and all change that he had happened to lay his eyes on; along with a few lucky dollar bills. He gave me a small smile and of course I returned one, but unfortunately I don't think it reached my eyes.

He hardly had any money for himself as it was, let alone for me as well, a girl who could simply ask her parents for cash and with a simple snap of my fingers have it in my hands. I would've brought some money along with me if I would've known I gave in so easily under Harry's pressure.

We made our way out to Harry's car, the air increasingly warmer as the sun was now visibly out overhead of us and shining. The various harmonies of chirping birds and grasshoppers could be heard as we walked down the cement sidewalk, my lips absentmindedly letting out a huff of air. I could see as it fanned out in front of me in a transparent white cloud, nonetheless telling me the morning chill was still lingering.

I hopped in to the passenger seat and Harry smoothly slide behind the wheel, quickly turning the radio on to something discretely Heavy Metal. As we drove down the street i couldn't help myself from looking over at Harry from the corner of my eye, the way his head bobbed to the music proving to be extremely entertaining. Harry soon caught on and immediately stiffened up.

One we came to a red light he cleared his throat, along with shooting his confused face in my direction.

"What are you looking at?" He asked in all seriousness, his eyebrows knitted in an annoyed manner along with his eyes narrowly squinted.

Fortunately his harsh stare didn't last for much longer as the light turned back to green, the straight line on his lips turning into a sheepish smile.

"It's not safe to distract the driver."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as Harry laughed,

"I know, I know." I shook my head, my eyes darting out to the passenger door window.

I watched as multiple office buildings and businesses passed by in a blur, my attention quick to catch an old couple ready to cross the street. They were securely holding hands, the man's eyes never leaving the profile of the lady as they ever so patiently waited for the sign to 'go'.

The old lady was completely oblivious to his actions, and I found it heart warming how probably after all of those years they've spent together, he still looks at her as if it's the first time he's laid eyes on her.

I can only imagine over the time span of their relationship, all of the bickering, all of the disagreements, all of the rough and ridged patches, everything they've gone through and he still looks at her like that.

I followed them with my eyes until them became nothing but an obscure blur, the sound of Harry's tapping on the stirring wheel taking me out of my thoughts.

"Damn traffic." He mumbled, his right arm running up to his nose as he sniffled.

Harry must've sensed me looking at him because he kept talking,

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, his lips tied up with a devious smirk.

"How about a quarter for yours?" I asked, wanting to know what was probably whirling around in that hectic mind of his.

I watched as Harry subconsciously sucked on his bottom lip before taking in a slow breath, one of his eyebrows lifting,

"We'll, where do I start? There's this incredibly beautiful girl in my car next to me, I can feel her looking at me as I'm driving and I'm finding it absolutely adorable. She has bright blue eyes and I can tell she is still tired by the way she is slouching. Except I keep on asking myself, 'why the fuck aren't we in the back seat'?"

I shook my head and leaned back in the chair, a small laugh escaping my lips.

"Speak your mind, why don't you?" I spoke sarcastically, Harry immediately reacting with a grin.

"I think somebody now owes me a quarter?"

"The first one I spot on the mall floor is all yours."

The mall parking lot was vacant to an extreme, with the inside not being much more occupied. Cliché or not it was like a ghost town, the only sign of life proving to be a mother with her young children and a few business men and women.

"Well, I'm going to take a wild guess and say Mondays are slow." I joked.

"But it's like we have the entire mall to ourselves." Harry countered.

"What if a police officer stops up and asks up why we aren't in school? Aren't they liable to ask that? Then what the heck do we do?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest as we kept on walking.

"I'll just make sure that doesn't happen." He shrugged, grabbing my hand and leading me into a particular store.

"You better, or else we are completely screwed." I murmured, my eyes leaving Harry's to explore my delicious surroundings. It was your typical candy shop, the walls lined with containers of numerous chocolates and sweets.

"Why'd you bring me here?" I asked, breaking the newfound silence.

"Who doesn't love candy?" Harry reciprocated innocently, making me laugh.

"Touché." I nodded.

Harry nodded back, his eyes tracing the walls,

"So what are you craving on this fine Monday morning?" Harry asked, a smile on his lips. I watched as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and slowly turned around to face me.

"I'm fine." I smiled back, quickly pulling my hands together in front of me. I began to swing back and forth on my heels as Harry looked at me with a confused expression, his head dipping slightly to the left.

"You don't want anything?" He asked.

"No thank you." I hummed, my eyes leaving his to skim the walls.

"Oh c'mon Harley, yes you do." He persisted.

"No, I really don't Harry."

Harry clapped his hands together,

"Fine, not a problem, I'll pick something out for the both of us then." He shrugged, abruptly turning on his heel.

"No, no, no please Harry, you don't have to." I insisted, rushing my words without much thought.

Harry totally ignored my plea as his eyes wondered around the shop. I glanced up at the cash register to see a lady who appeared to be in her mid twenties typing away on her phone, her teeth crunching a piece of gum rather obnoxiously.

I was so lost in space I hadn't even realized Harry beside me before he gently hip-checked me. I looked up at him to see him see his eyes wide, along with his hands hidden away behind his back.

"What'd you pick out?" I asked, my head tilting over to peak behind his back. Harry turned his body so I couldn't see, making me laugh.

"Fine, fine. Don't tell me."

Harry winked at me before heading over to the cash register, placing the items on the countertop. I couldn't make out what it was, and even before I had the slightest chance to do so the lady had already scanned and placed them in a tiny brown paper bag.

I watched as the total came up in lettering, '$3.50', and I sighed when I found out it wasn't that much of an expense. I kept repeating to myself that I was going to pay him back later.

Once Harry dug out his wallet and paid for everything he walked back over to me and gripped my hand, leading me out of the store. His pace was rather quick and before I knew it we were sat on a bench, Harry beside me.

He pulled the bag off of his arm and ripped out the unnecessary fancy tissue paper before pulling out two pastel candy bracelets.

Harry put his on and handed me mine, the cute smile on his face never disappearing.

"Put it on." He pushed, nodding his head.

"I am, I am." I laughed, slipping in through my hand and onto my wrist.

I glanced back up at Harry and once I did I was immediately greeted with a kiss to my cheek,

"Now we not only have matching pendants, but matching candy bracelets as well."

Thank you for all of your comments & support, I really do read them all and they make my heart melt. ilysm ♡

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