Chapter 5

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The remainder of the match I practically spaced out, which was good news for Harry and the rest of the team I suppose. My thoughts were aimlessly drifting elsewhere besides a volley ball.

I didn't really understand why Harry was being so pushy about seeing my pendant, I mean I know Anna said that he wants to find his soulmate, but is he really that desperate?

Almost all of the teenagers my age opt to hide their pendants so they're free to date whoever they want, without the awkward feeling of knowing if the person they're seeing is their soulmate or not. That's how I picture Harry, I just don't see him settling down with one person at such a young age. Especially me. I don't think that I'm ready for that yet. Heck, I've only had one boyfriend my entire life.

Once the teacher blew the whistle signaling the end of the game my head snapped from my old Nikes. My eyes went up into Harry's direction. The harsh look on his face as he walked away with his friends practically told me we had lost.

Just when I thought I'd turn to leave his head snapped back to face me, his eyes immediately locking with mine. He sent me a wink before continuing behind the old metal locker room doors.

I rushed in the other direction to the girl's locker room, still unsure if I should ditch Harry or show him the pendant and just get it all over with. I knew he would probably find me by school days end so I figured it would be silly to ditch him, that would only push his nerves further.

I quickly opened my locker, stripping off and slipping on my clothes in a matter of seconds. I could feel the nervousness spreading throughout my body, my hands became clammy and my teeth began to chatter against my will. I combed my hair with my hands then kicked off my Nikes and replaced them with my sandals, sliding them on slowly to stall as much time as possible.

I slowly made my way out into the main hallway, my eyes not having to travel very far to find Harry leaning against the wall, his eyes locked on his phone screen.

"I didn't think you'd make it." He spoke, his sudden words making me jump. His eyes remained on his phone the entire time.

"I thought you'd hide away in the girl's locker room until the next class started." He continued, his eyes finally making their way to mine.

"Well I'm here, aren't I?" I squeaked, my nerves sadly getting the best of me.

"You are." He smirked.

"Now can I see the pendant?" He asked, his patience dissipating like a ticking time bomb. I slowly pulled the pendant out from under my shirt, my hand remained wrapped tight around it so he still wouldn't be able see to see it.

"Just show me the damn pendant already, Harley." Harry groaned, making his way over to me.

I started backing up but he quickly caught up to me, his strength surpassing mine as he unraveled the pendant from my hand.

His eyes went wide for a second, the emerald inside of them almost turning into a grey before they smoothly returned back to normal.

"Well I see why you didn't show me earlier." He whispered, his eyes glued to the pendant as he observantly flipped it around in his hand.

All a while my eyes studied his face, his tanned skin and pure pink lips seemed almost too perfect for a jailbird. Not a single crease, not a single wrinkle lined his forehead. He was, in a sense, flawless.

His eyes calmly came up to meet mine and he squinted,

"How long did you know I was your soulmate?" He asked, the words leaving his lips sinisterly slow.

"Since this morning." I whispered.

He cocked an eyebrow and I took in a breath,

"My friend Layla pointed it out."

Harry nodded his head before his gaze returned to the pendant.

The hallway slowly started to fill with students and their eyes held both confusion and shock as they passed by. Harry's hand continued to hold my pendant until I took it back, absentmindedly slipping in underneath my shirt.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows,

"You need to let people see it babe." he whispered, his cold fingers brushing against my skin as he pulled the pendant out from under my shirt giving me goosebumps.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Don't be sorry," he laughed. He took my hand in his and I was hesitant to entwine my fingers with his. After a few seconds I gave in.

His lips came up to my ear and his hot breath trickled down my neck as he slowly hummed the words,

"I just want people to know not to mess with you, you're mine and only mine. And believe me, I'll make sure they get the idea."

{Sorry it's short, the chapters will get longer :) xo}

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