Chapter 14

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"If I get in trouble, I'm blaming you, Styles." I joked, pulling my hand out of his and putting it in my back pocket.

"And I'd gladly accept it, Patterson."
Harry winked.

His eyes left mine as if he was thinking before he took his phone out of his pocket, unlocking the screen,

"We have just about a half an hour left, what do you want to do?" He asked, his eyes peering up from the glowing object.

"Just talk?" I suggested.

"Yeah." Harry smiled, leading me to one of the many tables scattered around the room. He sat across from me, his elbows propped up to give him support.

"Meet any new people today?" He asked sarcastically.

I smiled,

"For your information, yes, I did."

Harry raised a suspicious eyebrow,

"Who?" He asked.

"This one kid named Ben." I shrugged.

"Ben," Harry muttered under his breath. His eyebrows knitting together as he concentrated on the glazed wooden surface of the table. Almost immediately it must've clicked, because he shot his head back up to look at me, although his face held the same expression,

"Ben as in Benjamin Cunningham?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered simply.

As soon as I answered a grin found it's way back onto his lips,

"Benny." He muttered.

"He told me about you." I blurted out. But I didn't regret it.

"What'd he say?" Harry asked.

"Just that you two used to hang out all the time and play basketball. You guys seemed pretty close."

"Yeah, we were actually." Harry nodded.

All of a sudden he broke out into a laugh,

"I remember this one time me and Benny were down at the creek, just fishing at our cheap, five dollar fishing poles. All of a sudden Benny started reeling in this big ass turtle. He just about got it out of the water when it let go. Awh he was so pissed."

The smile on his face made me smile even more. I quickly changed the subject though,

"He says he hasn't seen you around in a while, maybe you should go talk to him?" I suggested.

Harry shrugged,

"If I see him I will."

I thought for a second before asking,

"I can give you his number if you'd like?" I suggested.

Harry immediately raised an eyebrow,

"You got his number?" He asked.

"Well, no, but I could get it tomorrow for you when I see him in class." I answered.

"Oh. Well you don't have to." Harry murmured.

"No, no I will." I assured him.

"Thanks." Harry half-smiled.

I was just about to ask him another question when his eyes went unmistakably wide.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I think someone's coming." He whispered.

Now it was my turn to have wide eyes,

"Wait, what?"

Harry yanked my arm and drug me under the table,

"Somebody is coming in here." He whispered, answering my question.

All of a sudden the bright lights of the library were switched on, the sound of high heels effortlessly echoing off of the tiled floor.

Harry held his finger up to his lips and I rolled my eyes,

"I'm not that stupid." I mouthed.

That remark caused a silent laugh to escape Harry's lips.

The clip-clopping of the women's heels were growing louder with every step that she took, and without a doubt I knew she was heading in out direction. I could feel my breathing become irregular as her heels came into view.

I watched as she made her way down the long corridor lined with book shelves until she came to the very end. She looked as if she was searching for a book in one of the shelves as she shifted from one foot to the other, before she turned back around and started walking back towards the front door. I felt Harry squeeze me arm, and it made me realize that he hadn't even let go.

The sound of the of the door slamming and the turning off of the lights immediately helped me relax. I turned my head to see Harry smirking,

"You okay?" He asked, nudging my shoulder.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered. Once I registered we were still sat under the table I slowly pulled my arm out of Harry's hold and crawled out from underneath it.

"Do you know what would've happened if we would've been caught?" I asked, my voice raising involuntarily.

"Ah, but we didn't." Harry pointed out.

"I know, we're lucky." I mumbled.

Harry pulled his phone out from his pocket,

"We've got five minutes till class ends." He mumbled.

"Wow that went fast." I breathed.

"We should do this again some time." Harry winked.

"Yeah right, I am not talking that chance." I protested.

"So tomorrow then?" Harry smirked.


When I got to the cafeteria for lunch, Layla and Anna weren't sitting where we normally sat for lunch. Actually I couldn't find them anywhere to be exact. I scanned my eyes over every single table but couldn't spot them anywhere. I felt an wrap wrap around mine and I shot my head up, greet with a worried faced Harry.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, raising both of his eyebrows.

"Yeah, yeah. I just can't find Layla or Anna." I answered.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he too, scanned the crowd for any sight of them. He also didn't have any luck.

"I guess it's just me and you today then." He winked.

I rolled my eyes, but carried myself over to the empty table that we had sat at the day before.

"Where do you think they are?" I asked, picking at my fingernails.

"I don't know, really." Harry shrugged.

"Do- do you think they're mad at me?" I asked hesitantly.

"What? No of course not. Why would they be mad at you?" He asked.

"Well, because I've been hanging out with you more then them maybe, I don't know." I shrugged, my back hunching in defeat.

"You're going to the mall with them today, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well then they definitely aren't mad at you if they asked you to go."

"I guess you have a point." I mumbled.

"I always have a point." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes, changing the subject,

"Well, how bad your day been?" I asked.

"Fine I guess. A fight almost broke out as I was heading to Math, teachers broke it off before anything could actually happen though. How about you?" He asked.

"Boring." I answered simply.

"Then maybe we should sneak back into the library then." Harry winked.

I knew he was joking so I just rolled my eyes.

Harry laughed,

"Oh c'mon, you had fun. Just admit it."

I shrugged,

"I never said I didn't."

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