Chapter 13

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I kept my mouth shut for the rest of the class, both unsure of what to say and too afraid to get caught by the teacher. I wasn't too keen on spending an evening of detention with him and I would like to make sure that it never happens.

I finished the assignment quickly, leaving me with a good ten minutes of free time before class ended. I decided to just space out and stare out the window, the loud and obnoxious bell sounding from the PA system almost sending me into shock as it broke my daze.

As I was passing through the doorway of the classroom to get to the hallway, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I quickly swiped it out, seeing I had a text from Harry. It read,

From: Harry

We have a five minute break until next class begins, meet me at the library. xx

I bit down on my tongue as I texted back,

To: Harry

My next class is on the complete opposite side of the school. Can't risk being late, sorry.

It took seconds for Harry to reply. I never recall our school ever having such amazing wifi.

From: Harry

Four minutes. I'm already there, don't stand me up. xx

I took a deep breath and contemplated my two decisions, before finally agreeing,

To: Harry

Give me 10 seconds.

I immediately started picking up my pace, thankful that my health room wasn't that far away from the library itself. Once I spotted Harry nonchalantly leaning against the door, I raised an eyebrow,

"It's closed?" I asked, my eyes peaking through the tiny window to see all of the lights were out.

Harry smirked at my comment,

"Didn't you know the library is only open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays?"

"Well I do now." I laughed.

"Why did you want to meet me here anyway?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest.

He shrugged, his legs slowing carrying himself closer to me,

"I just wanted to see you."

"Why?" I asked.

Instead of answering my question he turned and went for the handle of the library door,

"Follow me."

"It's unlocked?" I gaped.

Harry shrugged,

"Yeah, they would always keep it open. Back when I still went to school here, I would come in here for peace and quiet."

"So you skip class?" I asked.

"Sometimes." Harry answered a little bit too honestly.

"I'm sorry, but I-"

"Just c'mon Harley." Harry whined, taking my hand. Without my permission and against my will, he dragged me into the almost completely pitch black and certainly eerily empty room.

"What would you do in here anyways?"
I asked, my fingers gliding across the books which were tucked away in one of the many the wooden shelves. You could get lost in here; it's almost like a maze.

"I usually just sit and do nothing, it's nice you know? Being alone." He spoke, his eyes glued on my the shelf as he made his way over to me. Soon he was a foot away and I could hear his uneven, heavy breathing. All I could manage was a sheepish nod.

"But it does get boring after a while." He whispered, his eyes flashing to meet mine. I immediately looked back down at my hand.

"But now since there's two of us, I figured we could try something a little different." He whispered, his lips felt felt hovering over neck before they were placed right in front of my lips.

I took in a deep breath, expecting him to lean in and kiss me, but instead his hand came up and tapped my shoulder,

"You're it!" He called, his tall, dark figure gone in a flash, or before I could even blink.

A smile lifted onto my lips,

"You can run but you can't hide, Styles!" I yelled after him, my feet speeding down the long corridor, my eyes trailing through line after line of wooden shelves.

I heard the faint bellowing of his laugh and immediately darted in the direction of the noise, only to be greeted with an empty corner.

I squinted my eyes in thought, thinking of where how he could've ran off so fast, and where he must've gone. Just as I was about to turn around I felt strong hands grip my waist and pull me into the air.

I let out a little shrill scream until I realized who it was. Once I recognized it was Harry I began to laugh.

"Harry put me down." I laughed, my hands gripping his arms.

Once the words left my lips my feet immediately regained their position on the ground. I turned around to see a wildly smirking Harry,

"What?" I laughed, absentmindedly resting a hand on my hip.

Without a verbal answer, Harry's arms wrapped around my waist and his forehead rested on mine. His eyes fluttered shut and I mustered up the courage to whisper,

"Harry, I don't think-"

My words were quickly muffled out by Harry's lips connecting with mine, the unfamiliar feeling taking me off guard. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his neck, his curls tickling my hands and my eyes too, fluttered shut. I started moving my lips with his, all the while I could feel my heart pounding in chest. I wondered it he could hear it.

Once a thought popped into my head I broke the kiss,

"The bell!" I chocked out.

"Did the bell go off? I didn't hear it? Oh god I'm going to be late to class, I can't be late." I continued, my words were rushed as I looked up at Harry with wide eyes.

Harry just shrugged,

"There's no PA system in the library."

"What am I going to do?" I asked, practically pulling my hair out by the roots.

"Stay with me." Harry suggested.

"But that's skipping!" I pointed out.

Harry rolled his eyes,


"And I can't skip! I'll get caught."

"No you won't." Harry assured me.

I raised an eyebrow,

"How do you know?"

"I've done this a bunch of times, never been caught once."

"Well that was years ago, they've probably installed high tech security cameras by now." I defended, my eyes wondering the walls for any evidence of tiny black cameras. I found none.

"Just stay?" He begged, reluctantly reaching for my hand.

Although his face was blurred out by the dark I could tell he wore a desperate expression.

I bit my lip before letting out a sigh,

"Might as well."

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