With ears to see and eyes to hear vol 8: Cops

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Don't kill me! I repeat please don't kill me! I'm sorry I took so long so many things came up that I had to deal with. And I know it sounds like I'm giving you excuses but all these issues seem to always come up whenever I'm writing a chapter. Nevertheless, thank you all for being so patient with me! I have THE best readers in the world. Dizzy8pancakes, betti05, and Smiletotheend. Thank you and enjoy!

You sighed loudly once again. Nicolas didn't even turn his head at the sound (entirely because he can't hear it) as he signed to Worick about something but in your mind it's an opinion he thinks is more important than your own.

You throw a paper ball in which his eyes glance at you reading your lips.

"I guess I'm going to have to play all by myself even though a certain person promised me that he would participate."

He still doesn't answer focusing back on Worrick rambling about the fact that we went to Granny's shop without bringing him any cigarettes.

You tried to sit patiently chin sitting in the palm of your hand as he continued to complain.

'Worrick always talks about how I complain all the time. Yet here he is griping over cigarettes.'

You throw a ball at him in which Worrick turns to give you a cold glare while Nicolas noticed his attention was on Y/N he looks at you.

"Hmm, it sounds like a lot of griping coming from you. Is King Worrick unsatisfied by our trip?  Did the commoners not bring enough treasures for you sire?"

Nicolas coughed loudly using his big hand to clasp over his mouth at an attempt to conceal his smile.

Worrick glared at him and tried to nudge him off the desk as hard as he could when Nicolas sat in the same spot he got up.

"Tsk. Alex!" He yelled going through both pockets finding a lighter but not a single cigarette.


Worrick cursed under his breath after coming up short.

"Will you run away with me?"

Alex sighed then said.

"We've been over this Worrick. Who's going to take care of the Handymen? Why can't we bring Nicolas along and we can't leave y/n she needs us right now."

He gives you and Nicolas a look before shaking his head walking into the bedroom they both share.

You can still overhear Worrick explaining his escape plan in the doorway.

"Anyways let's begin." You move your attention back to the chess board already set up on the small dark brown table low to the ground.

Nicolas sat on the dark silver armchair across from you.

He watched you move your red puck forward and initiated your first move.

"You're turn." You claimed watching to see what he'll do next.

He looked at you then at the board then back at you.

'What is up with Nicolas?'

He brought a finger up to grip his chin while picking up a black puck flipping it over examining it rather closely.

'Don't tell me Nicolas but judging by his perplexity...'


You tapped his arm fingers grazing over his warm skin his faint hairs tickling your fingers.

You instantly retracted your hands as if you touched fire.

'It's like I could feel a legion of muscles in his arm alone.'

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