With ears to see and eyes to hear vol 1: Chance

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Hey this is the first volume of Nicolas's book hope you enjoy it. Your character is a little edgy so be a little understanding given the circumstances. Guys please comment or vote don't be silent. I don't like it when I don't know people's opinions don't leave me in the dark about this please even if it's negative.

Y/N walked down the street beholding the brown dated cobblestones breathing in the dirty air filled with pollution. Women wearing short tight dresses poised in wait in alleyways.Cops hanging around on every corner.

"What is this place?" You've just came from North Gate a gate that is really wealthy yet boring. After a drunken night with your best girlfriends Madison and Sydney at a house party. The three of you decide that enough is enough that there's gotta be something out there...

So the only memory you have is one of your traditional midnight car rides. Sydney's long hair blowing in the breeze along with Madison's loud off key singing then a pair of bright lights head straight towards you and your life flashed before your eyes as the car skid you hear a crash then everything goes black.

Then you felt hot breath that reeks of beer hands touching all over you but you couldn't remember a face. 

You woke up near a trash bin.

'What a crazy dream?' Y/N thought tiredly.

Now here you are stumbling around the city thinking.

'Where the heck am I?'

You couldn't really feel your right leg and the left one feels as if it's about to pop.

The sun is heating up the streets enough to scorch your shoeless feet and your hair is sticking up.

People kept walking past you nobody seemed to care about your disheveled appearance.

'Wow at North Gate everyone would be watching or at least trying to help.'

You kept stumbling until your legs gave out seeing a nearby shop you collapse onto a brown countertop breathing heavily as your legs shaked like jelly.

It seemed like the shop was vacant until a cold voice belonging to an old woman spoke bitterly.

"Run along! Do your business elsewhere! I don't want my customers seeing your whorish acts."

'Whore? Who is she calling a whore?'

Y/N head instantly shot up.

You notice that it was in fact an old woman.

A really old woman her wrinkles were many against her pale snow skin her cold brown eyes stared right through you.

"Excuse me, I'm not a whore!" Y/N claims blood boiling with rage.

The old woman sitting in the stool leaned in to your angry face.

"I don't care who you are unless your going to buy something stop hanging around!" She yelled drops of saliva meeting your face.

You reach into your pocket for money but found nothing. However, the relief of pain for you legs helps you notice something, the wetness of your underwear.

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