With ears to see and eyes to hear vol 11: Character

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Greetings, you crazy readers. I am updating pretty early as far as my usual time frame is concerned. Why you ask? Well, I live in Savannah, Ga! Yeah the area that is mandatory evacuated due to hurricane Matthew. Which means a lot of updates. I really hope you guys like this one because I am kind of unsure about it. Thanks for the love 9k reads are craaaaazy! I never thought it would blow up this much. Thank you for your patience and encouragement!

'What is up with Ergastulum and these kids! This is Loretta!!!! I thought she was a woman in her thirties????'

You couldn't help but be shocked eyeing up Alex's roughly five foot boss the owner of Bastard and the head of the Christiano Famigilia.

She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair that was braided along the sides to the back of her head forming into a ponytail, a slight bang hanged over her left brow. She has big dark blue eyes wearing a white long sleeved cotton shirt with dark pant a gun strapped around her waistband.

Both hands where on her hips as she tapped her feet like a child impatiently waiting on the handymen crew to bring along their new addition having a stern look on her childlike face.

"What took you so long?"

The three of you just walked into the wide low lit room surrounded by a series of circular black leathered booths with a candle lit table in it's center all around the room.

Loretta and a tall man with dark brown shoulder length dreads and a light brown goatee stood by her side.

He wore a black vest and a long sleeved grey shirt that was unbuttoned. A silver tag clinked against his brown chest, as he readjusted the chain hanging from his neck. They stood next to the stage it was a wide black platform with a grand piano, a giant violin and a mic up front.

"Sorry we are so late, Lorretta some things came up the night before that threw us off. Not to mention we had to go buy her an instrument."

She placed a hand to stop Alex's ramblings.

"You know that I do not tolerate excuses, Alex. No matter what happened the night before if you have an obligation to someone it should be followed through in an orderly manner. Anything less is simply unprofessional and it's bad business for my family and this club."

The tag whispered in her ear.

Loretta lets out and exaggerated sigh and rolled her eyes.

"I thought you told me she was ready two days ago that she had just moved here, played at a jazz club for a couple of years and was looking for a new place to play."

'What!!! I didn't even know about this until last night. She asked me to play! I was not looking for a job here and at a jazz club. I played in high school. Alex, Alex, Alex, I guess she has been planning for me to do this for a while now and did a lot of twisting of the truth just for me to be eligible for this job.'

You looked at Alex who had a stressed smile as she scratched her ravenette head caught in a lie.

"It takes a while to get her in the zone she's very professional about her work so she likes to take a break from her instrument and soul search for a while.."

You tilt your head and smiled a bit.

'Alex is a little rusty with bending the truth but soul searching is a nice touch.'

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