With ears to see and eyes to hear vol 13:Company

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  Here is the second one which is longer by the way! :) Make sure you have read vol 12: Calm. You do no want to go out of order.

"His hand is huge. For a short man.'

You glanced at his hand for a moment then you looked back into his eyes.

And your heart did a loud thump.

'What could Nicolas possibly want?'

You both stared at each other for a while till his eyes darted to the window sill and back to you.

'He's trying to signal that he wants something from the window sill?'

He finally point behind him and there was a book half opened sitting on the windowsill.

'Oh, he wants to read a book. He can do that later. Nicolas should be getting tons of sleep.'

"You need to sleep Nicolas. The more sleep, the better."

You go to move but realized his hand was still holding your arm.

You turn back around to see him peering at you boredly.

"Nicolas let me go."

He still holds on tightening his grip a little.

"Fine Nicolas. Why do you want to read a book?

He blinked his other hand scratched his head for a moment before saying.

"i'M bO-rEd."

"Nicolas... I get it. But you have to rest!!"

You try to move again but you were jerk back by his hold on your arm.

"Nicolas let go."

He doesn't, he even took it a step further, gently squeezing your arm as if to say 'please'.

You clenched your teeth doing a series of stressful gnashing till you exclaim.

"Alright. I will give you the freaking book. Three chapters and then rest."

Nicolas lets you go liking that answer as you wheeled yourself back. Bumping  into the table before turning your wheels like Nina explained over the phone and moving your wheels forward heading for the window sill.

You make your way back to Nicolas about to give him the book.

When Nicolas's terrible hand shaking commenced as his hand lift up to grab it. He manages to take it. The book almost slipping out of his hand. One hand tries to hold the spine and the other to turn the page. It took him a good twenty minutes to turn a page. The flapping sound as he tries to turn to the next one is loud and cumbersome.

Not to mention it took him longer than expected to read the text since the book keeps jumping.

You snatched it out of his hands slamming the book shut.

"Okay, that's enough reading Nicolas. Now you can go to-"

Nicolas cut you off by shaking his head reaching for the book again. You frown at his persistence.

"Nicolas you can't even hold a book still to read anything!!"

He thought for a moment eyes casted towards his feet before looking at you.

"reAd It tO mE."

Your mind raced thinking about his proposition.

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