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"Do you feel that?" I ask Anakin, squeezing his arm.

"Obi-Wan.." He says running in the direction of the bar and I follow. Suddenly we hear the sound of a lightsaber and a woman's scream.

"Easy now." Obi-Wan begins picking the woman up. Every eye in the club is on us.

"Jedi business; go back to your drinks." Anakin waves them off as we walk out of the club with the woman.

"Who hired you?" I asked directly when we set her down.

"It was just a job." She said, her breathing shallow.

"Just tell us who it was!" I repeat, louder. Thinking of my friends life. Anakin put a hand on my shoulder. I tried to release my anger with a breath. Obi-Wan gave me a look, and asked her again nicer. I closed my eyes to calm down.

When I opened my eyes I watched a dart fly into her neck as she began to speak. I heard inaudible words and watched her change back into her original changeling form.

"Well, there goes that." Anakin sighs. Obi-Wan takes the dart out and examines it.

"That's strange, I've never seen this dart before.." He looks at all the sides before placing it in his palm.

Once we get back to Padme's room we're shocked by the news.

"She's in a coma?" I ask, looking at my friend.

"Yes, shortly after you all left she lost consciousness, I'm afraid those worm creatures must've been poisonous, and we believe one may have punctured her left arm just enough to place her in a coma. As you can see it has left a sizable welt on the skin. We're able to keep her stable until the toxins are flushed out enough." A medical droid explained,

"Will she be okay?" Obi-Wan asked,

"There is no clear sign of an answer as of today." It said, creating a giant knot in my stomach.

"It's all my fault.." I muttered, a tear welling in my eye. I have failed Padme, 3 long months of protecting her has led to this. I shouldn't have let her convince me to allow her to cover up those cameras.

"She'll be okay. I know she will. There were many things you could not prevent tonight. It was what she wished." Obi-Wan comforted me.

"I-I sliced those bugs." Anakin said, "I swear I didn't even touch her with the lightsaber how could they-"

"It's all of our fault. We put the blame on ourselves, as a team not as individuals. And we must learn from it but to dwell on it would be foolish. She will wake." Obi-Wan tells both of us, "Both of you go to bed. I shall inform the council of the nights events and let you know what to do next in the morning."

I walk away shaming myself. Entering my bedroom I begin to take off my Jedi robes. I turn on my shower and hop in trying to forget the days events.

My stomach growled, I realized I really didn't eat anything today. With all that happened and with my anxiousness I forgot. Even as tired as I am I know I won't be able to sleep, that was frustrating.

Padme was hurt. I have failed my mission. Allowing her to cover up the cameras was my crucial error.

Stupid, Careless, Selfish. I tell myself.

I begin singing in the shower, trying to rid myself of my emptiness with song. Im not a particularly good, but in the shower alone it didn't matter. It made me happier thinking about the song as apposed to the events of the day.

Then my mind wandered to where there was Anakin. I couldn't figure out my attraction to him. Just thinking about him made me feel the pressure on my chest. It feels like I can't breath. I couldn't figure out if I'm mixing up kindness and friendliness for flirtation and love. This is a completely new territory. I decided now that no longer would I let it bother me. Its because of those feelings that Padme is now hurt. I was doing excellent work before he showed up.

Even if Jedi were allowed to have romantic relations I felt he deserved much better than I, like Padme. Today has made it clear why Jedi cannot have these relations, it makes being able to focus so much harder.

After a long while of putting it off, when the water got cold I turned off the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and brushed my wet hair, letting it run loose. I forgot my night clothes so I went to my room to get a new pair. But when I opened the door to my bedroom I was shocked to see I was not alone.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now