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I stood there for almost 3 minute with no answer. It gave me time to think of what to say. I knew exactly how I wanted this to go. The significance of the braid was that it represents the Padawans dedication. When Anakin gave me his he said it was like he was giving me his dedication. Now it's my turn to repay him with my dedication. I figured he probably wasn't answering because he thought it was Ahsoka.

"Anakin.." I said through the door, "Anakin, it's (Y/N). I need to talk to you, please answer-" I said, he didn't open the door, because I saw him walking down the hall now with.. Padmé. Of course.

"(Y/N)!" Padmé greeted me, I threw my hand behind my back. I looked between the two of them. Anakin looked genuinely surprised to see me there.

"Hello Padmé." I smiled at her, "General Skywalker." I nodded at him but kept my face straight.

"Hi." Anakin said.

"Do you need to talk to Ani?" She asked,

"Um, yeah but it's not that important. You guys can continue whatever you were doing." I told them. I kept my hands behind my back. I held my head high and in a smile.

"No, are you sure?" Padme smiled kindly, man I wish I could hate her so bad.

"I'm sure. There will be a better time." I said, looking at Anakin I tried to convey a look of disapproval to him. I felt the jealousy spike in my body.

"I'll just leave, I've already finished what I needed to discuss with Ani." she said, then she turned to Anakin and kisSED HIM ON THE CHEEK. I maintained my smile, but my jealousy spiked an all time high. If I could scream I'm pretty sure it would go on forever with how much anger I have. "I'll talk to you later."

"Okay." he said, I swear I saw a look he gave her was like she was the prettiest woman he's ever seen.

She walked away and I was left there with him. We both stood there, emotionless for a moment. Until he put on a very over the top smile,

"Hello, (Y/N). What can I do for you?" He said, unlocking his door. I felt so angry at him I didn't want to give him the time of day anymore. While he had his back turned, I looked at the braid in my hand. I still wanted to give it to him. He didn't deserve it. But that's what sucks, even though when he acts like a butt hole I still love him.

I threw it at his back and walked down the hall. I clenched my jaw to bite back my tears and emotions, I held my head high. All I wanted to do was let them flow out of me but I couldn't. I didn't care anymore.

"Wait! Wait!" I heard him call after me, he must've found out what I had thrown at him. "Wait, (Y/N)! Hey, let's talk. Okay, I'm sorry." he caught up to me and tried to grab me. I was so angry I flew him back, unfortunately for me my fiance is also an extremely force sensitive being and he only went back a few feet.

"Don't do that, because then I can do this." he held me in place for a moment, I shrugged when he let go.

"Fine, I won't." I kept walking.

"I'm sorry, please listen to me." he followed me.

"Oh, yeah? You're sorry?" I laughed and shook my head.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I haven't exactly been treating you right." he said. Not treating me right is that equal to cheating on me? Yeah okay.

"Treating me right? Is that what you're calling it." I shrugged, done with him.

"Please, hey, hey." he tried to stop me before other people entered the hall. I decided to do it finally. I stood there in the middle of the hall.

"3 minutes." I said. He smiled,

"Can we go back to my room?" he asked,

"Fine but it won't be taken out of your time." I shrugged.

"Okay, then run." he said, grabbing my hand and running with him, despite my complaints of moving.

He shoved me in his room and shut the door behind me.

"Okay, I know why you're mad, and I'll admit I took a little bit of joy seeing you that way. But that wasn't what it looks like, she's just a close friend and you know that. When you told me you didn't want to marry me I thought you were done with me, so now I thought you were here to tell me that that's why I tried to act like I would be fine but I wouldn't ever really be okay. You're here now though, and you're knighted. Let's focus on that." he said it all so quickly.

"Okay." I said. "You promise me that in the last couple of days, nothing has happened between you two." I demanded.

"I promise that In the last couple of days, nothing has happened between us." He grabbed my shoulders and looked into his eyes. Damn it, why do they have to be so perfect.

"Okay." I croaked out.

"I-I don't know what that means." he said, remaining his sincerity. "I want to be clear about these things now. We had our first real fight, and yeah I was mad and I was sad I didn't get to marry you. I really am sorry for reacting so horribly. It wasn't right-" somewhere in that I honestly got tired of him talking. I kissed him to shut him up. I can't stay mad at him if I tried.

"Let's not do this again." I said, "I'm tired of fighting with you."

"Good because I'm tired of apologizing." we both laughed. "I liked that way of shutting me up, feel free to do it-" I kissed him again, "anytime."

"I'm sorry, too." I held his neck, "I shouldn't have freaked out and phrased it the way I did. I love you, please don't ever doubt that." he nodded.

"I won't. I heard normal couples fight too." he chuckled, "Congrats on becoming a knight by the way, I'm proud of you." he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you, congrats on telling Obi-Wan about us." I said.

"Okay, I know I should've consulted you on that, but listen-" he started trying to make excuses so I kissed him again.

"It's fine. You got lucky." I said.

"No, no, I got lucky because of you." he said, I looked away to hide my smile. "You've made me the luckiest person."

"I thought you didn't believe in luck." I rose an eyebrow,

"Eh... That's more Obi-Wan than me." He smiled. We both paused a moment before Anakin changed the subject.

"Dare I ask, that now that you're knighted..?" he grabbed my necklace out from under my shirt, I looked up at him. I took a slow intake of breath before breathing it out with a smile.

"I think I'm ready." I said,

"Are you sure? I don't want you to be-" he started.

"I'll be fine. You make me happy, I'll do anything that makes you happy." I told him.

"Do this because you want to, not for me." he tried to break me,

"Anakin, I've been through a lot these past 5 days, let alone the 4 weeks that were without you before that. Before I didn't want to believe I could be mature enough to handle this, but I do now. You're the best part of my life and I definitely don't want to lose you or be with anyone else. And if this war brings either of us down-" it was his turn to cut me off now.

"Well then," his eyes had never looked happier, "let's go make me your husband, shall we?"

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now