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After changing, I look at myself in the mirror, breathing to calm down.

A boy - a cute boy - is in my room. But that is okay, because you are on your way to becoming the best Jedi out there, so all feelings of attraction are irrelevant to you now. He is just a friend that needs help and nothing is going to happen. You are stronger than this. I tell this all to myself with hope that it slows my heart.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Anakin's voice comes through the door and I snap back to reality and swing the door open right away.

"Yeah!" I say a little too unconvincing. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Are you sure?" His voice husky and a chuckle escapes his lips as he sees me so flustered. I look into his eyes for a moment and they stare back at me with a stranger look I have not seen from any other friend. My intelligible side shines through my emotional one.

"Don't look at me like that." I complain, pushing past him into my bedroom.

"Like what?" He asks innocently, following behind me as I sat on my bed.

"Like... I don't know." I became more flustered the closer he got to me. He sat next to me and I used all I had not to kiss him right there. But I know he wouldn't want that. Even if he did it wouldn't mean what I want it to. It's Padme he feels that way about.

"I only want to make sure you're okay, I can feel your heart beating." He smiles, his eyes still carrying the same look as he tucks the strand of hair back behind my ear. I will not give into this. I should've let him leave.

"I am okay." I say, trying to find something to ask to leave this tension. "You look tired." I state.

"I am. But I don't sleep much anymore." He shrugs, sinking back into himself a little more.

"Why's that?" I ask, thinking of my own sleeping issues.

  "It's hard to explain." He frowns.


"Jedi's don't have nightmares." He states.

"I do." I admit and fall back onto my bed.

"You do?" He asks, looking at me.

"Something like it at least. I don't sleep. I receive images and feelings in my sleep. Of people killed in the past and maybe the future, of people who are my friends, of many things. Almost like a slide show." I explain. I know what he thinks of when I say my friends, "I haven't seen Padme dying." I tell him.

"Oh." He says, "I have these visions."


"My mother. In pain.. Always in pain." He sighs. "Obi-Wan tells me not to worry. But how can I not?" His face is helpless, "It's my mother. I can feel her in pain. I want to help her."

"I'm sorry." I sit up and touch his shoulder. He grabs my hand to keep it there, "There's nothing you can do now though, I would be just as frustrated as you. She probably is okay, like Obi-Wan says." I tell him, I can tell he isn't satisfied with my answer. "If you ever can't sleep you can come in here. Odds are I won't be either." I smile at my friend.

"Same for you." He smiles back, "I should at least try to sleep now." Anakin stands to retire to his room.

"Anakin?" For some reason I stop him before he leaves, he turns back and I quickly try to think of something.


"I'm really glad you're my friend, again." I say quickly. He smiles, and breathes out.

"I never stopped." He winked and walked out. Closing the door behind him. My hand still burning from where we touched.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now