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  I was late coming to the briefing. Obi-Wan was the only one left.

 "You're late." He said, "You missed the briefing."

 "I know, I'm sorry, I have no excuse." I told him, he seemed annoyed.

 "Well, in short, the senate is doing better now that the Chancellor is back. Count Dooku's death has made the Separatists much weaker." He said, his demeanor reminded me of Anakin's.

 "Is that all? You seem unhappy." I said as the news was all good.

 "The senate is expected to vote to give more powers to the Chancellor this afternoon." He said. I smiled,

 "Isn't that good? With more powers that means that theres less deliberating and more action." I said, "The more fighting, the sooner we can end this war."

 "That's a rather crooked way of viewing it." He said, "Be weary of your friend Palpatine."

 "Why?" I asked.

 "He has requested your presence." He moved past me and back up the stairs.

 "What for?" I asked.

 "He wouldn't say. But that you were to see him immediately." Obi-Wan said.

"He didn't inform the council?" I raced after him, "That's unusual."

 "All of this is unusual." He warned me, "And it's making me feel uneasy." He then left me standing there. I wondered if he was right, and I should be worried. But instead I decided to write it off as Obi-Wan being paranoid because of this war.


 I joined Palpatine in his office like he asked.

 "Hello?" I walked in.

 "There she is! My Jedi knight in shining armor." He smiled, standing to join me.

 "How are you, Chancellor?" I asked.

 "Excellent, my dear, please walk with me." He says and we walk through his large office, "(Y/N), you do trust me, don't you?"

 "Of course, sir." I said, remembering what Obi-Wan said.

 "Good, I need your help." he looked down, I felt myself feeling concerned.

 "With what?" I asked, following him as he goes down the stairs to his couches.

 "I'm depending on you, to be the eyes, ears, and voice of the Republic." he said, sitting. I still stood by the stairs. I was confused.

 "I know, Chancellor. That has always been the job of the Jedi to protect the Republic." I said, he only looked up at me, "Perhaps I'm confused?"

 "(Y/N), I'm appointing you to be my personal representative on the Jedi council." he told me. I almost fell over on the stairs right then. 

 "Me? A master?" I then had to catch my breath, my heart was beating so quickly, I was so young, "But the council elects it's own members? They'll never accept this."

 "I bet they will." He nodded, "They need you, more than you know." He then went to let me out, "I'll tell the council you'll be at their next meeting with most important news."

 "Thank you, Chancellor, Thank you." I said. I have to admit, this feeling was bittersweet. On one hand, I was thankful to be thought of so highly to have him place me on the council. But I also was a little disappointed that I was not elected by the council itself.

 My first instinct was to run to Anakin's room, tell him everything. But then I remember he's needed his space for the last few days. Instead I went back to my room. It's been 4 days without Anakin, and my dreams have only got worse. I've never told him of my dreams, but I wanted to. I wanted to go back to when we were happy. Why did we always need to make things so complicated.

 I laid in bed, rubbing my stomach. I lifted my shirt to see the little bump stick out after removing all my layers. My bladder began to hurt, so I had to go pee. Then once I was done I grabbed some saltines due to me craving salty things. Eventually I fell asleep with a cracker in hand. 


 I was in a sweat when I woke up. I noticed outside the air was cold and dark. I looked at my still packed boxes. I caught my breath. The dream haunted me. It happened every time I slept. I felt the little foot inside me kick, like the child also knew it was a bad sign of something.

 "It's okay, it's okay." I whispered, "I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

 I felt myself shaking. I decided enough was enough. I couldn't sleep on my own anymore. I felt my tears coming remembering the images of Anakin leaving me, and feeling his presence die. Feeling the light he gave me rip away. I got onto my feet and walked down the hall and up a flight of stairs to his room. I needed him to hold me, even if he was angry I needed him.

 I carefully knocked on his door. And I stood there holding myself up and holding my pieces together to see him. I looked down the long hallway, I was alone here, but even if  I wasn't I didn't care if they found out we were married, that I was pregnant. I just wanted Anakin to make things okay.He opened the door slowly, his chest bare and he looked at me like I was crazy.

 "I told you I needed space, do you know what time it-" until he saw my condition.

 "(Y/N)? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" He asked. At first on instinct I nodded, but soon corrected myself.

 "No." I shook my head, a tear escaping as I held my belly.

 "What's wrong?" he asked, grabbing my shoulder and bringing me into his room, his touch still burned me.

 "I've been having these dreams, Anakin." I said, "I don't know what they mean and they're always so real."

 "What dreams?" he more demanded rather than questioned.

 "At first they changed, like they were shaping themselves. But the one that has stuck.." I stared at my toes.

 "Let me help you." He urged after the silence, "What were they about?"

 "Our child dies." I told him. "And you leave me because of it."

 "(Y/N), I would never-" he started,

 "Wouldn't you?" I stopped. I thought of how he left the other day, how lonely I've been since then.

 "I didn't leave you, you're still my wife. I still love you." he grabbed my shaking hands.

 "These dreams feel so real." I couldn't look at him.

 "This child will change our lives. I'm sure the council will expel us from the Jedi-" he started but again I needed to stop him.

 "I know, I know." I felt my heart sink.

 "I'm only saying that maybe all this anxiety about our future once this baby comes is getting to  you." he said, I felt another chill come.

 "These were real Anakin. Every night for the last few months I've watched you and our babies die in more ways than one, please believe me." I begged, touching my fist to his chest.

 "I do, but if they're anything like the dreams I had you need to be strong. I won't leave you. And our child will live." He held me close, I felt a sense of relief come from his arms, I needed him so badly, "I promise you that."

 "No," I clenched my jaw and buried my face in his chest, "I promise you."

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now