Chapter 1

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Everything was still. Not a sound or movement. it was rather odd in all honesty.. the quietness. Usually, the groans of our mother could easily be heard, or Renesmee wiggling and squirming would distribute me from my sleep, but today... none of that seemed to happen. Or at least that is what I thought. As quickly as I had thought all of this, Rensemee changed everything. All of a sudden she started to push and kick against the walls that surrounded us, each time earning an ear-piercing scream. With the little space around us, I tried to stop her but she just pushed me into our mother's spine. It would be a lie to say that I did not care about our mother, because I do. I always had, but there are times where I just simply cannot control the damage and pain I may be causing her.

After recovering from the shove, I tried again but had the same result... I could never understand how she was so strong for a fetus, but then again I was strong too. Using our twin telepathy, I asked her

''What are you doing?'' She turned and thought, ''I want out!''

Renesmee had always selfish, from eating all the food to not even caring about our mother's well-being. one could easily describe her as a brat or monster, but that is something I would never say aloud. It was too rude, and as much as I may find her intolerable at times, she was in fact, my twin sister.

Out of nowhere, a blinding light shone through a hole and engulfed our surroundings. Covering every inch in sharp, white light. Nothing about this felt alright, and just like I had thought, a foreign object came through the new hole and began to move both Renesmee and me around. Quickly adjusting to the new light, I was able to make out a pair of hands before they circled themselves around Renesmee and pulled her away. Once she was completely gone from my sight, I could hear someone chuckle softly.

''It's Renesmee.'' The voice said in a tender tone. I could hear my mother say something but was interrupted when I began to suffocate.

Fluid began to fill my lungs and air was no longer something I could wonder about, but more so something I desperately needed. To try and save myself, I had started to kick, turn flay even, all before the same hands came and saved me. They were gentle, cradling my head and neck in one hand and resting along my back with the other. I looked up at the person who pulled me out and saw a man with golden eyes and brown hair. He had pale skin and a look of disgust on his face. He quickly handed me over to a girl with blonde hair that fell in soft ringlets and sunkissed skin. Her eyes too, matched my previous saviour, an odd bright golden colour that seemed to hypnotize me the moment our eyes locked with each other. I wonder if my eyes look the same? She was a stunning woman; her features were all delicate but prominent, each detail fitting with the other as if they were an intricate pattern, but her aura made me question her flawlessness. Although it was a beautiful shade of light blue, it held a feeling of longing and heartbreak. As if she was deeply damaged and the beauty that held me so gently, was just a means of self-preservation and defence from further damage. Her eye thought. Oh, those eyes. Unlike my saviour, whose eyes held disgust and displeasure, hers were warm and filled with admiration, a great contrast from her aura. I felt safe with her like a bond had been made without the need for words or further actions, and I'm sure she felt the same as she looked at me and smiled.

''Take that thing away from me,'' The man from before growled. I felt hurt by his words. Not even moments ago, he had saved me and now I was being referred to as a 'thing.' As if I was not worthy enough to be a person in his eyes. I looked up at the woman and she too looked hurt, "Edward, she is your daughter. ''

''Rosalie, that thing is a murder, she is the reason Bella has to be a vampire!'' Ah, so that is who he is..."Bella could barely carry one child let alone two! KILL IT!'' my so-called "Father" shouted.

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