chapter 4

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After last night's talk everyone went to bed. The next morning when I woke up I felt different. I looked down and saw I that I had grown since last night. Soon mom came and got me dressed. She took me downstairs where I was squished into a group hug. I looked up to see my Dad there. He looked happy but in his eyes I could tell he was sad. I hugged him back then let go. As mom took me to the kitchen I could hear Jacob say.

''Alright, let get this show on the road.'' Jacob said until he saw someone in the window. We all went outside to see who it was and saw Sam. He had handed grandpa a piece of paper and told us all that Alice had written it.

''Carlisle?'' grandma asked in a worried tone.

''They left us.'' Grandpa told us all.

''Why?'' Mom asked angered by the information.

''She didn't say.'' Grandpa said sadly.

''Can I see that?'' Bella asked grandpa and took the paper. She started to read it then turned the paper around. It looked like it was torn from a book from what I could see. Everyone started to leave before grandpa said.

''Four people should be coming in a day or two. They are witnesses and very important ones too. You must invite them in Edward or else they won't be able to come into the house. There should be three men and a blonde woman. They are part of the Mikaelson family. Be kind to them, they are my oldest friends.'' Carlisle said before leaving.

After that Edward, Bella, Jacob, Renesmee and I all left to get the Denali coven. We got to go to Alaska, it was very beautiful but it was also very cold. When we got there Edward got out to go talk to them. After a minute or two Bella turned to look at both me and Nessie.

''Okay, time to meet some new people.'' She told us with a small smile.

''What if they don't like us?'' Renesmee asked. I nodded my head and Bella looked at Jacob.

''They'll love you. Both of you.'' He a shored emphasizing on the 'both'.

''They will once they understand you.'' Bella intruded.

''They just haven't met people like you two before.'' Jacob said softly. He was always so nice to Nessie I thought he would be in love with her. After that short decision we had gotten out of the car. Mom came over to my said and picked me up while Jacob and Ness got out the other. From a distends I could hear a woman with long strait blonde hair whisper

''The Voltori will come for all of us.''

''You get those things out of here.'' Another woman with similar hair only curly demanded.

''They're not what they look like.'' Edward plead.

''This is a CRIME!'' Curly hair yelled. She started to run to Edward but he just throws her to the side. Thank god there's snow or that would have hurt. Once she was on the floor the one with start hair ran at Edward and grabbed him. It had looked like she had been shocking him but I couldn't tell. Bella had put me into Jacobs arms and ran over to save Edward. After she through her to the side the one with curly hair stud back up but Bella yelled

''Stay back.'' Both women did as told. Quickly Edward said

''They have blood in their veins, you can feel their warmth.''

''I can feel it.'' Another woman said. This one had long wavy black hair.

'' I'm their biological father, Bella's their mother.'' He said looking back at us. I could see the disgusted look in his eye when his eyes landed on me. I really don't know why he hated me so much, I have never done anything wrong.

''Impossible,'' strait hair said.

''It's true. They were born while I was still human.'' Bella intruded. I could hear the slight panic in her voice.

''I've never heard of such thing.'' A man with short black hair said. Of course you've never heard of this or you have stopped the two women from attacking Edward.

''they can show you, if you let them.'' Edward suggested. Mom Bella came over and picked me while Jacob picked up Nessi although she is perfectly capable to walk herself.

''Tanya, you owe us this much. We are under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain.'' Edward said. So that's her name Tanya. I like that.

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