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*okay i swear you guys don't know how pissed I was when my laptop refused to let me type anything! I was just about to smash it. okay so anyways I am exstrimly sorry that I haven't updated in like... forever but I have seen all the views and vote I was literally jumping up and down. I really thought you guy didn't like this book, but I was so wrong when I saw everyone telling me to update and that they loved my book. I just want to thank you all and everyone that has added this book to one of their reading lists. I really hope you enjoy this chapter.*

Skylar P.O.V

Everyone stood there in silent of a moment before grandpa almost hissed,

''Vladimir, Stefan you're a long way from home.''

''What are they doing here?'' Kate whispered to Eleazar. The two new vampires seemed to ignore her question and started to talk to Carlisle.

''We heard the Voltori where moving against you, but that you would not stand alone.'' Stefan said. I could easily tell that they were Romanian by their accent. It was extremely thick, like cake he he he.

''We did not do what we were accused of.'' Carlisle argued.

''We do not care what you did Carlisle.'' Stefan said in a bored tone as he swayed his head from side to side.

''We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scums to be challenged.'' Vlad said in a creepy tone.

''It's not our plan to fight the jory or whatever they are called. It would only aggravate them.'' I cut in. I hated these two already but I could tell I had surprised them from speaking behind them. Stefan shook his head and looked back at grandpa.

''Shame,'' he started. ''Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed.'' He finished.

''They do enjoy a good fight.'' Klaus said. I just had to look at him. did he really just have to say that.''

''Aro's witnesses?'' Eleazar asked. I could almost hear the confusion and worry in his voice, but I could understand. He had a family and if they could protect themselves they would die.

''Awe.. still hoping they'll listen.'' Stefan said with fake sarcasm.

''They will if I'm we're there.'' Rebekah said out of nowhere all of the originals started to stand by each other in a protective stance as Vlad and Stefan bowed their heads at them.

''I would hope to believe that.'' Vald started. ''but they have grown more confident in their power your grace.'' Stefan finished. What are they doing? Looking at gods? After that everyone started to head back to the house where we started to discuss the situation.

~Time Skip to the house~

''When Aro wants someone from a coven it is never long before evidence starts proving that the coven has committed some crime.'' Eleazar stated once we were all stealed in. I sat on Klaus's lap with Seth beside me on my left and Kol on my right. The tension in the room was just so uncomfortable I want to scream.

''So he's done this before?'' Bella asked. I looked up behind me and looked at mom. She looked down at me worried.

''It happens so rarely I never realized it was a pattern.'' Eleazar said.

''Apparently he always pardons someone who's thoughts are claimed are agentive.'' Grandpa added.

''This person always has an ability and they're always given a place on the guard.'' Eleazar also added. Well he's a know it all.

''This is all about Alice,'' Edwardow started. ''he has no one like her.''

''Which is why she left.'' Bella added.

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