chapter 6

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*I'm so srry this chapter took so long to come out. I just been busy. okay so the pic up there^ is of them while zafrina shows them the amazon with her talent. I hope you like this chapter although it might not be the best because it was rushed.*

When grandpa and grandma came home with the last witness Bella, Edward and Klaus and I all went out to greet them. Klaus held me strongly in his arms as I rested my head on his shoulder. With one arm he shook grandpa's hand and hugged grandma's.

''How many came?'' Grandpa asked Edward.

''22. You have some good friends Carlisle.'' Edward told him.

''And Alice?'' grandma asked Bella who shook her head. Esme hugged her before their moment was ruined by a man with shoulder length blonde hair and red eyes.

''We'll all be on Aron's list now. Centuries run, that's what you've brought me. Some friend Carlisle.'' He said.

''Alister, come meet everybody.'' Carlisle laughed.

''I've already told you if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Voltari.'' Alister responded in a serious tone. He was really a downer.

''It won't come to a fight.'' Carlisle responded. After he said that there was a long silence in which Klaus's arms wrapped tighter around me.

''I'll be in the attic.'' Alister said breaking the silence. Once he was on the top of the roof Esme turned to us and said.

''he's not a people person.'' Clearly.


There were so many vampires in the house some of them had powers like Zafrina. She could control the mind and make you see whatever she wanted you to see. Bella, Edward, Kol, Elijah, Rebekah, and I were all outside so Zafrina could show us her powers. Zafrina started to stare at each of us until everyone looked around in amazement. I looked at Bella and she looked just as confused as I was.

''If I weren't holding you love, I would swear this was real.'' Klaus whispered into my ear. I looked at him confused. What was he talking about?

'' Zafrina this is amazing.'' Rebekah complemented. Kol just stared around the woods.

''I agree. This is truly an amazing gift.'' Elijah agreed.

''I don't see anything.'' Bella said. I nodded my head in agreement. Klaus looked at me oddly.

''Edward you didn't tell me your wife and child were shields.'' Eleazar (did I spell it right?) said.

''What's a shield?'' Bella asked.

''The ones I've met are so different,'' Edward stated. ''But Eleazar the thing is not a shield, she's a copycat.''

''Edward I would expect you to have more respect for a child who could barely speak.'' Elijah responded quickly with a threating tone.

''That THING does not deserve my or anyone's respect. It's a murderer.'' Edward spoke his tone rising. He also made sure he emphasized the 'THING' part. Klaus quickly handed me to Kol before pinning Edward to a nearby tree.

''You will not speak of her is that way. If you do again I will not hesitate to rip your throat out.'' Klaus threatened. Carlisle and Elijah had to take Klaus off of Edward so it didn't go any further.

''It's a defensive talent,'' Eleazar continued as if it were to have never happened.

''That's why Aro couldn't see your memories. It's a powerful gift.'' Once he finished Kate swiftly grabbed Bella and my hands and sued her abilities to on us but I couldn't feel anything.

''Oh ya their shields alright. That should have put them on their asses.'' She said after she was done.

''Or your voltage has been exaggerated.'' Garrett said as he walked up to us. Kol nodded his head in agreement.

''I double that love. Seeing as she is a baby and she didn't even flinch.'' Kol added.

''maybe it only works on the weak.'' Kate tempted sticking her hand out. I quickly replicate her ability and stuck my hand out for Kol to touch.

''I wouldn't do that Kol, Garrett.'' Carlisle warned the two but Kol still touched my hand and Garrett still touched Kate. Both fell to their knees. Garrett looked up at Kate and said

''you're an amazing woman.'' As she looked down at him. Kol started to get up and looked at me.

''If I knew you were this strong darling I would have never asked to try.'' I let out a giggle as he threw me in the air and coot me. I soon got a vision of me and Kol.


I look around the wood looking for someone when I am suddenly talked to the floor. Pinning me to the forest floor was Kol.

''I told you I would find you darling.''

''Oh shut it, it's only because of the friendship bond we have that you could find me.''

''Only Sky my brother would find you faster.'' He snickered.

''Because his is a hybrid.'' I cut him off as a mental picture of Klaus pops its way into my head.

''Ya sure. Now come on I want to play 2K.'' Kol whined. I let out a laugh and started running.

~Vision Over~

After that I knew for a fact that Kol and I would be the best of friends. Kol gave me an odd look but I just laughed.

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