chapter 3

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Seth and Jacob soon came inside and everyone was slightly relaxed. Everything went by pretty fast. Seth and I spent most of the day together. I really like Seth. He is always happy and can make me smile. Soon Seth had to leave but Jacob had fall' in asleep on the couch so we left him there. Everyone but Mom, Bella and Edward had gone out on a hunt so I was put up in my room . I played with my fingers until I started to play with the planets that hung above my head until Rose came and sang to me. I could hear voices from downstairs and knew that Bella and Edward were probably playing with Renesmee. I could hear doors open so Rose and I went downstairs. Alice had been standing near Bella and said.

''Happy birthday Bella.''

''I stopped ageing 3 days ago,'' Bella responded. Well, that's a little rude, you should at least be thankful.

''Well we are celebrating anyway. So suck it up.'' Alice said. She soon pulled out a key and handed it too Bella. Almost right away Alice, Bella and Edward left to go see Bella's gift. Mom had taken me back upstairs where dad put me to sleep with my wolf teddy bear from Seth.


It had been a few days since Bella's birthday and I had started to snow. Edward still hated my guts with a burning passion but Bella is slowly warming up to me. Nessie and I had been growing a lot faster than a normal and it started to worry everyone about how long we would live. Renesmee was growing faster than me and I guess that was because she was more vampire then me. She had looked around the age of 4 or 5 while I looked maybe a year old. I saw that it had started to snow and I was stuck inside. After a while I could hear Renesmee trying to reach me through our twin telepathy.

'You want to come outside with me mom and jake?'

'Ya, but I can't get out of the crib.'

'It's okay, mom is coming to get you.'

I had gotten up and stood to wait for Bella to come to pick me up when I saw her walk in. She had on boots a sweater and a pair of black jeans on with her hair out. She was really pretty, but don't tell her I said that.

''Hey there. Come on let's get you dressed for outside because it cold and I don't want you to freeze.'' She cooed while picking me up and walking to my dresser. She had put me into an outfit Grandma Esme had gotten me. She then picked me up and took me outside. I looked at the ground and tilted me head. Bella put me down and walked over to Jacob. I ran over to Nessie and saw her with a little white thing in her hand.

''It's a snow flake.'' She explained and I giggled. Soon a little white snowflake dropped on my nose. I stopped moving and tried to look at it. I could hear Bella, Nessie and Jacob chuckle at my reaction. I went to touch it when it disappeared. I let out a sneeze and fell back. Bella let out a chuckle and picked me up. She held me to her while Nessi played in the snow.

''Edward thinks we might find answers in Brazil. There are tribes there that might know something.'' Bella said to Jacob. She soon looked down at me and said.

''What do you think?'' she asked. I nodded my head giggling. Renesmee soon jumped up to grab one of the snowflakes when she stopped and came down grabbing Jacob's wolf leg.

''Who is that?'' she asked Bella. I looked to where mom Bella was looking and saw a woman in a fur coat standing at the top of a hill looking at us.

''I think that are cousin from Denali.''

''IRINA!'' Bella shouted. The woman looked way then ran off. Bella chased after her but when she didn't catch her we went back home. Edward, Bella and Nessi were all by the piano and I was with mom and dad. Dad and I were in the living room watching some hockey. It had been Canada vs Sweden. I was voting for Canada because they're the best team but dad was voting for Sweden. We had paused the game when we heard the piano. Dad picked me up and we went to watch as Renesmee and Edward played. It was really good. As Edward and Renesmee played the piano and grandpa and grandma played chess I played with a dad's big hands. Mom was looking at me over his shoulder making funny faces making me laugh. As aunt Alice walked in a saw something.

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