chapter 11

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*I love you all for all the votes and reads. I hope you like this chapter. this one is my all time favorite because it has so much emotion. by the way the new actress for Skylar is Zoey Deutch. bye! *
song: I'll keep you safe by sleeping at last

Klaus's P.O.V

When I had first seen Skylar as a teenager I have to say, my breath was taken away. The feeling inside my heart became more needing and made me want to be near her even more. Seeing her and my family getting along so well was incredible. Kol had always been distant from everyone, but ever since he a Skylar had been spending so much time with each other he became more opened. Rebekah and become more joyful then she use to (I don't know how that is possible). She and Skylar would go shopping and spend girl time together. Elijah had started to lessen up after spending time with Skylar in Carlisle library. Even I had changed. I felt happiest when I was with Skylar. I didn't feel hatred to the world because I knew that she was a part of mine now. But there would always be things that will prevent us from being near. Wither it was me or her, we could not be together. Love Is A Vampires Greatest Weakness. But now she was my GREATEST and ONLY weakness. And I would do anything to keep her safe and sound.

Edwardow's P.O.V

Now that I see Skylar is growing at a really fast paste I feel guilt inside my heart. Yes I did not take fondly to the devil herself but for some reason I felt protective of her. Every time I saw her with the Mikaelsons I wanted to rip them a part. She had looked so happy spending time with them, Rosaile and Emmett that I just wanted them all to burn. Of Couse I felt the same with Renesmee but I knew Jacob wouldn't dare hurt her unless he had a death wish, but the Mikaelsons were unpredictable. Kol Mikaelson had no control over his thirst so what if he were to ever attack Skylar? Klaus is ruthless and lethal so what if Skylar gets him mad one day and he tries to hurt her? Elijah is supposed to be the noble one of the family that does not change the amount of people he has killed. Rebekah would do anything to have a family so what if she were to get jealous of Skylar and kill her. The Mikaelsons were not safe at all and if I wanted Renesmee and Skylar safe I had to make sure they were not in our life. And now that Skylar is having thoughts about Demetri Voltori it is even worst. Yes I had looked into her thought and all I ever see is the Mikaelsons, Rose, Emmett, Jasper and Demetri. Skylar hadn't even met Demetri but I could see throw her thought it was the same thoughts she had for Klaus. But I feared her thoughts because they were the same as the thought I had for Bella when we first met. Interest, curiosity and wonder. And I knew first hand that those thoughts would bring danger. And I will do anything to make sure Bella and Renesmee were safe and sound.

Emmett and Rose P.o.v

We loved Skylar. We wanted the best for her. But having her grow so fast hurt us. She was growing to be so beautiful and smart and courageous we just couldn't keep up. She was our little girl and we couldn't tell how much longer we had with her. The Mikaelsons were like a blessing to us and Skylar. Although Skylar seemed happy before the Mikaelsons came, we could see when she started to spend time with them, she was a whole lot happier. Kol had been teaching her how to use magic and self defense. He was an incredible teacher seeing as Skylar can now single handled take on both of us and win but he was also an incredible friend. Whenever they thought no one was looking the two would play games to challenge each other to make each other better. We knew we could trust him with her. Elijah was teaching her so much history and literature; you could say she was becoming a smart ass. She knew so much about everything; it was a wonder her brain had yet to explode. We could trust him as well. Rebekah was an older, blonde, badass version of Alice so we didn't even have to think about if we could trust her. But then there was Klaus. He was amazing but ruthless his history in the past was not at all good and with all the enemies he had it wouldn't be good for Skylar... well that is what we though BEFORE. Now see the two together it was like a scene from a movie. You could see the love in Klaus's eyes every time he looked at sky and you could also see him fighting the feelings. Then sky just oblivise to the look. It could make anyone smile. Klaus knew what we thought before and came to us one night telling us he would never hurt sky and from that day we trusted him. He would protect her from anything till the day he dies and even from the grave he would protect her from harm. Both of us knew that Klaus and Skylar we soulmates, but they still had to in braise the feeling and see the truth. And we knew both the Mikaelsons and us would go to the end of the world to keep her safe and sound

From a Cullen to a Mikaelson *Klaus LS* (Twilight x TVD )Where stories live. Discover now