chapter 15

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Later that night everyone headed outside for a bonfire. Jacob brought a tone of wood and put it on the floor as Ben and i set out fingers on fire and throw it at the wood. I hugged Ben's waist and he did the same with me for a while. it felt nice to feel safe with people I considered family around me. When the wood lit up Jacob looked at me and Ben then said

'' That's what I'm talking about.'' with a wide smile. I let out a chuckle as i went to sit with Klaus.

''A little pre battle bonfire.'' Jacob said as he went to sit beside Ben. ''Telling war stories. Or just standing there like freaking status.'' i chuckled once again when I heard what he said.

It was true about everyone else, they just stood there. Me and Klaus sat by the fire curled up next to one another with Kol on my left and Garrett on my right. I stuffed my head into Klaus's neck while he put his arm around my waist and kissed my head.

''Name any american war, i was there.'' Garrett said. i smiled as i moved my head from Klaus's neck to look at him.

''Little big horn?'' Jacob asked. Garrett took a big breath before answering.

''I came this close to biting Custer.'' Garrett put his fingers up to show just a little pinch of space. ''The Indian's got to him first.'' he finished grimly. I let out a laugh.

''They were not Indian's they are called natives. Get it right and show them respected.'' I added. i could hear everyone laugh at my comment. soon Katie showed up on Garrett's lap. i had zoned out for a second thinking about me and Klaus right now before coming back and hearing Kate say.

''Try the conquest of Constantinople. He didn't win that one on his own.'' she smirked.

''Talking back to the 11 years war. No one does a rebellion like the Irish.'' on of the men from the Irish clan added.

''You lost the eleven years war?'' Kol asked. you could tell he was interested in this because he had been daggered at the time.

''Aye, but it was one hell of a rebellion.'' the Irish responded. we all sat there talking about different wars that we've been in. Klaus chuckled here and there, so did Kol and Elijah. I could hear them all thinking that none of us knew what a real supernatural war was. It was sort of funny. Soon Vladimir came and started telling a story about when him and Stefan ruled.

''When we ruled, everything came to us. pry, deployments, favor seekers. such was our power, but we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints.'' Vladimir explained. you could almost hear the hurt in his voice as he tolds the story.

''We were honest about what we were.'' Stefan added even sadder.

''We sat still for a very long time. We didn't realize we were beginning to petrify.'' Vlad continued before turning to look at Stefan.

''Perhaps the Volturi did us a favor, when they burned our castles.'' Stefan said.

''We've been waiting fifteen hundred years to return that favor.'' Vladimir finished. after that everyone went back to speaking to each other but me and the Mikealsons. we sat down with bag full of presents and handed them out to certain people. i handed a gift to Garrett, Ben, Kate and her family and the Mikealsons. Everyone that had a present sat by the fire as we opened it.


BEN = fire prof outfit

Garrett = a new coat

Kate = earrings

The Denali = 2000 dollars

Klaus = new painting supplies

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