Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning in a cold sweat. I shoot up from my sleeping bag patting and hugging my knee's to my chest. I could feel a tear roll down my cheek and I tried to control my heavy breathing. after a few moments I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me back. I was shocked to say the least but when I looked to the side i saw Niklaus laying down. I allow him to pull me back down into a laying position before I turned to look at him. Klaus slowly brought his hand up to move a piece of hair out of my face. I looked down at the ground before I felt a set of fingers lift my head up. I looked into Nik's eyes and saw worry and sadness.

''What's wrong love?'' he asked. he was still half asleep and let me tell you, his sleeping voice is hot.

''I just had a nightmare.'' I whispered.

''About what'' Nik asked again.

''The Volturi. After Vlad's story I can't stop thinking about today.''

''Vlad was just being sour. I will never let anything happen to you. Aro knows I can and will kill him and if he dares try to take you from me I will rip him apart.'' Klaus sneered as he propped himself up on on elbow. He put his hand on my cheek and I leaned into it, closing my eyes and enjoying the comfort.

'' I love you Skylar, till the end of time.'' He whispered as he leaned in.

''I love you too Klaus, always and forever.'' I said back as I closed the space between both Klaus and I and locked lips with him. I pulled away and kissed his cheek before getting up. I crawled out of the tent and looked outside. The sun had started to rise over the mountains and it looked beautiful. A wind blow by sending shivers down my back so I ran inside the house and got dressed for today's event (a/n the outfit on the top). After getting dressed i started to make a quick breakfast for the Mystic falls gang, Mikaelson's and myself until I realized Nessie had to eat too. I quickly made her a breakfast wrap like everyone else's with less vegetables before placing it on a plate. When i was done making everyone's breakfast and getting dress it was already 8 am. I walked outside bringing everyone's breakfast before yelling.

''RISE AND SHINE MY UNDEAD FRIENDS! I HAVE BREAKFAST FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ACTUALLY EAT!'' I heard many groans but pretty much all of the cold ones got up. Will out of their tent because they cant actually sleep. When the only people not up was Rebekah, Kol and the gang from Mystic Falls, I ran inside and grab my blow horn. I stood in font of a row of tent before taking a deep breath and blowing the horn. after about 5 seconds worth of a blowing a horn i dropped it and ran. i could hear someone behind me and before i could even see who it was i was tackled to the floor. i looked up to see who it was and saw Kol staring down at.

''Was the horn needed?'' he asked annoyed.

''Well it looked like you weren't getting up anytime soon so yes. The horn was needed.'' I laughed. I heard him chuckled before helping me off the floor.

~3 hours later~

I sat inside with Caroline, Bonnie and Elena in the living room as we talked and got to know one another. I learned that Caroline and Elena were sort of forced into the like of being a vampire which was very sad. the two seemed like such nice people and they don't deserve to be in this life. i learned that the tip of vampires they were had to die with another vampires blood in there system before they actually turn. Bonnie told me how she had come from a long line of witches which was honestly fascinating. We all got to know each other before i had to go outside for a little training. Kol had told me that i had to at least learn how to take down a cold one before he even let me step onto the field.

''Okay sky Elijah, Emmett, Klaus, Garrett, Benjamin and I are all going to come at you. you have to at least get us on the floor understand?'' Kol asked me and he cracked his knuckles. I gave him a nod as i looked at the six of them. Elijah studied my before asking.

From a Cullen to a Mikaelson *Klaus LS* (Twilight x TVD )Where stories live. Discover now