Chapter 13

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Early the next morning Bella stopped by the house to pick me up. She hadn't told me where we were going but it was clear that it was only going to be her, Jacob, Renesmee and myself. The beginning of the drive was extremely boring. Everyone refused to speak, almost as if they were all mute. which is odd because last time I checked Rensemee sure had a lot of shit to say in front of everyone else. Bella hadn't put the radio on, so it was just pure silence. I sat in the back seat with Renesmee and I swear if she kept looking at me like that I would put her six feet under. After another horrible forty-five minuets, I pulled out my phone and started to texted Klaus, Rebekah and Kol in our group chat.

Me: I need help!!

Barbie Girl: is the ride that bad?

Sexy Back: Of course it is Bekah, for one she is stuck with the brat, the wannabe werewolf and the stupid mother. two I'm not there.

Barbie Girl: nice job Kol you managed to make all of this all about you just like always.

Sexy Back: thx u Bekah. It takes a lot of practice

Me: klausyyyyy where r uuuuuuuu???????

Sexy Back: Klausyyyy?

Barbie Girl: Klausyyy? dear god Nik r u her pet or something?

Big Bad Wolf: would you three stop. I was having a conversation with Seth, Ben and Garret about them visiting New Orleans when this is all over. the Salvatores have also decided to help our cause as while.

ME: who are the Salvatores?

Sexy Back: two stupid vampires brothers that killed our brother finn and daggered all three of us at one point or another.

Sexy Back: Bekha had the pleasure of dating one of them in the 20s didn't you Rebekha?

Sexy Back: Sefan wasn't it?

Barbie girl: yes now leave it Kol before i rip your tongue out.

Me: okay then.... what about the which and hunters?

Big Bad Wolf: yes the whole lot of them are coming.

sexy Back: great

Me: gtg ttyl

I shut my phone off just as it hit 50% before tuning back into my surroundings. just as i was back to reality Jacob had finally grown a pair and decided to talk.

''I'm surprised you finally took a break from jedi training.'' he snickered.

''If i don't take Renesmee to my dad, he'll come to us.'' Bella responded. she didn't sound to believable when she spoke but nowadays everyone would believe her.

'' One human, 27 vampire and three originals. Not so great.'' Bella said. i could hear the sadness in her voice which signaled it was partly a lie.

'' I know that's what you told Edward,'' Jacob whispered. Bella glared at him before he continued. ''Whatever, I'm just glad to get away from all those reeking blood suckers.'' Bella turned to look at him once again but with a rather offended look on her face. Wait wasn't he in a car full of blood suckers right now. do we not reek of blood suckers? Jacob then scoffed at the look he had been given making me chuckle before apologizing.

''I know their the good guys. But come one, Dracula one and two are....'' Jacob widen his eyes before laughing. ''creepy.'' Bella laughed at the comment because although, I was Stefan friend they were very creepy.

''Wait why'd we bring Sky,'' Jacob countered. ''No offense.'' he quickly added.

''None taken.'' I chuckled as I mocked his joking tone, just as I shrugged it off.

From a Cullen to a Mikaelson *Klaus LS* (Twilight x TVD )Where stories live. Discover now