chapter 8

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I had woken up with someone moving me. I let out a little groan and rolled over one my bed. What scared me was that my bed shuck as if laughing. I rolled over again to see why my pillow was laughing to see Klaus looking down at me in amazement. I had given him a confused look but he just pointed to my body which laid spread across the couch. When I looked down at myself I screamed but quickly wrapped the old blanket around my now half naked body. Not even a second later Kol, Mom, Dad, Bella and Rebekah were all at the entrance of the living room. Mom, Bella and dad gasped at my appearance. Not only was the look of shock spread across each of their faces but mom and Bella had the look of sadness and disappointment. I too am now rapidly growing. In a matter of 24 hours I went from a three year old toddler to an eight year old kid. Mom quickly grabbed my hand and ran to her bedroom.

''Ohh sweetie... Not you too.'' Mom whined while looking through the closet. She soon came out with a large bag full of clothes all sizes.

''Here baby. Change into any of these then come downstairs.'' Mom told me before kissing the top of my head and leaving. I rummage through the bag till I find a Nike sweatshirt, jogging pants and a pair of high-tops. I use my speed to quickly change and run down the stairs. Everyone was in the living room looking at me. Grandma Esme ran up and hugged me as if it were to be for the last time. Uncle jasper hugged me quickly while everyone just watched. After a moment of silence Kol stated to speak.

''Well now isn't that interesting. The little baby I held in my arms yesterday is now an eight year old, well isn't that just odd. Nik how did you not feel her weight gained as she laid on you.''

''I have no clue brother.'' Klaus responded. When I looked at him I could see an amused look spread its way across his face. I just glared at him and he chuckled.

''So I can talk now? There's my answer right there.'' I laughed as I pointed to my mouth as I spoke. Dads just chuckled and throw me over his shoulder. He then tossed me over to Garrett where he coot me. Him and Kate had been talking lately and they were so cute together it was like a match made in heaven. Garrett then throw me to Ben who coot me and laughed as I had a giggle fit. He then throw me over to Kol who tickled me before throwing me to Edward who didn't even make an effort into catching me so I fell right on my rare end. He just looked down at me like I was a plastic bag that had been lying on the floor under his feet.

''Well thanks party pooper, now my butt hurts.'' I snickered before getting up. Edward looked at me as if I was crazy. I slowly let my ability take over and tried to hear his thoughts.

'Why is she so happy? I just hurt her.'

''It's because I'm not going to let your poor mood and foolish behavior ruin my day. Thank you very much.'' I said out loud for everyone to hear.

The Mikaelsons, mom, dad, Garrett, Kate and Benjamin and his mate all laughed while Esme, Carlisle, Bella and the daneil just smiled. Edward and Renesmee shoot dagger like glares at the back of my head. I walked over to Klaus and hugged his waist. He smiled down at me before both me and him left with Jacob and Seth to help train the new shapeshifters. I ran over to Seth and hugged him like I never did before. I hadn't seen him in forever and when I read Jacobs thoughts I saw moments of where he seemed so said and ill looking. It made me feel hurt on the inside. When I hugged him I could see the smile return to his face and the color return to his once ill looking face. He looked over at Klaus as id asking promotion for something before picking me up and playing with me on the side of his hip as we walk up to the new shifters.

''so how are you?'' Seth asked me.

''I'm great. How are you? You looked sad in Jacobs's memories.'' I said wanting to know the answer to why he was sad. Seth as one of those people that was just happy. No matter what he always had a smile. So when I saw he was sad I immediately thought the worsts had happened.

''I just missed someone really badly and need to be near them. I'm sorry if I worried you.'' He said.

''It's okay. Just as long as you're happy I'm fine. When you're sad I'm sad that's how our friendship works.'' I said with a wide smile proud of my words.

Seth laughed before swinging me around. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Klaus glaring at Seth for something. Don't know what butt he must have done something really bad because Klaus looked like he would rip him apart. Once the shifters were done talking to Jacob we all started walking to the Cullen household to see everyone.

 Once the shifters were done talking to Jacob we all started walking to the Cullen household to see everyone

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*Klaus's glare*

''Now you guys can do a lot of do some serious damage. So you'll need to control your phasing.'' Jacob instructed.

''so if your mom pisses you off, you don't want to tear her head off.'' Jacob continued in a joking voice. After a moment we all heard someone running in the woods.

''Whoever's coming wasn't invited.'' Jacob said before everyone shifter into their wolf form. Even Klaus let his wolf side take over before running with everyone. Since I was able to walk I was allowed to run full speed. Bu a few days ago I had learned that I can transport myself so I just transported myself to hundred meters which meant the wolves where just passing me. When the wolves stopped hey had all toppled over one and other and quickly got up. I looked over to the rocks and saw two men. One with platinum blonde hair and the other had hair as black as night. Carlisle, Kate, Tanya and Eleazar then showed up with the look of hatred on their faces. They knew who these people were but why did they show up?

From a Cullen to a Mikaelson *Klaus LS* (Twilight x TVD )Where stories live. Discover now