I'm not ...Right ?

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"Your pregnant ."Apollo finishes .
"But I never had ,I'm a guy !"I tell him.What kind of bull is this ?Why are they lying ?But what if they aren't ?It did happen before with Apollo and kayaks dad but he's a god ,and me, I'm barely a demigod .
"It's true ,Nico.I saw it .It's Wills."He tells me.
"Of course it is !Why would it be anyone else's.It wouldn't be right?"I ask him .
"No Nico ,I don't do that ."He tells me .
"Okay .So how did this happen ?"I ask .
"Well you had sex with him and ,"I cut him off "I know that part but how is this possible ?"
"It's said that the last to be born  would have unimaginable powers .I guess it was meant for you ."He tells me .
"But Jason and Thalia were last ."I ask .
"It was more of a last child of a God to be born .Hades wanted to make your mom immortal .She wouldn't let him .So when she had you her mothering ability ,went into you .Also ,your the last Di'Angelo none of her family made it out of the war .Only you and B did ."Apollo tells me .
"So that means I'm the reason she was killed ."
"Zeus never wanted your mother or B to die .Just you ,because you are special .That's why he doesn't like you .We need to hide you somewhere he wouldn't be able to find you ."Apollo says .
"Hide him !Why not just give him to me and get it over with ."Zeus says from the corner of the room .Frank ,Hazel and Piper step in front of me to protect me from him .
"You can't take him Father .He never did anything wrong ."Apollo says defending me .
"Other than being born .They were supposed to be for Jason .Not Him."Zeus growls at his son .
"Future changes, especially when the person who controls it isn't biased ."
"You're only protecting him because it's your grandchild he's carrying .If it was anyone else's you wouldn't care .You only care about it because it's Wills ,also known as your favorite child .Tell him the truth .What you plan on doing with it ."Zeus tells him.
"Move ."I tell them .
"Are you sure ?"Hazel asks .
"Yeah ."I tell them even though I was more scared than anything .
"Tell me what your plan was Apollo ."I tell him .
"The plan was ;if you didn't make it I would keep it .If you did it ,would be raised by the council ."He tells me .
"Why not with me and Will ."I ask ,crossing my hands over my chest .
"It's going to change you .Turn you into a monster ,metaphorically speaking that is.It will drive you insane ,even if you feel like dying you can't ."
"It's my baby and neither you or anybody else can take it from me .I won't let that happen ."I say .A feeling came over me and I found myself collapse to the floor in pain .
"What's wrong ?"Piper asks ,her hair covering half her face as she bends down .
"I don't know ."I say feeling the pain again .I whimper and begin to feel sleepy .I close my eyes and fall asleep leaving the others in complete chaos .

"Nico ?Can you hear me ?"Percy asks after I open my eyes .Apollo nor Zeus were anywhere to be seen .
"Yeah .Where did everyone go ?"I ask ,sitting up only to be pushed back down by a familiarly soft hand .
"Please ,rest .Doctors orders ."Will says .I lean to the side of the bed (when did I get into a bed ?)and slap him across the face .
"How could you ?"I ask him .
"How could I what ?"He asks, rubbing his cheek .
"You ...you don't remember ?"I ask him ,feeling sorry for slapping him .
"No .I don't know what your talking about .Babe did I do something wrong .I'm sorry I didn't call ,I had finals, and I was exhausted by the time I had a minute to call you."Will explains .
"I'm really sorry for hurting you ."
"It's okay .My dad said you were going to... um .... I guess ....have a baby ."He says laying beside me .He wraps an arm around my chest and I play with his fingers .
"Yeah ."I lift his hand up and down seeing if it would make a cracking sound like on Drake and Josh when he moves his wrist back and forth really fast .
"I'm happy about having a baby with you .I wonder what it will look like ."He let's me keep playing with his hand and I just lay there saying nothing .
"Did you fall asleep ?"He asks me .
Should I tell him ?"No ,I'm awake ."I say a tear rolling down my face .
"Your crying ,what's wrong babe ?"He asks wrapping his arms around me and moving me to face him .
"He said you were dead ."I sob into his chest .
"I'm here ,aren't I ?"He soothes .He lifts my head up with two fingers, and kisses me gently on the lips .
"I could live in this moment forever."I tell him pulling away enough so I could talk .
"We can ."He says moving to my neck.
"A picture isn't always the answer ."I tell him .
"What about ," He starts. "Immortality ."
"Maybe .We could run away .I know somewhere we could go ."
"Nico ,we can't just walk out on this quest , the others need us .And your pregnant ,your only going to get worse from now on .If we leave I could lose you ,and that is not an acceptable answer ."He tells me .I stare at him .
"I'm not big yet though."I say to try and convince him not to stay .
"Yet .With the pain your having its only going to get worse before it gets better ."He really doesn't want to leave .He doesn't want to risk loosing me .That's actually really sweet .
"Fine ,but on one condition ."
"Fine .What is it ?
"You need to believe I can do this .I'm not helpless .I'm stronger than you think .Okay ?"
"Okay ."
"I love you now, and forever ."He kisses my forehead and looks at me as I stare into his eyes .
"I love you . "

The After Years  :Jason and Piper.Where stories live. Discover now