Percy Takes a Shower

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I walk to the lake and find Percy throwing rocks into the water .

"Percy ?"

"Go away Jason ! I don't want to talk ."

"Well then I'll do all the talking .All you have to do is listen."

" Fine ."he sits down in the sand .

"That wasn't nice .What you said to Annabeth .."

"I don't need a lecture ."

"Sorry ."

"I just don't want to lose her ...ever ."

"No one wants to lose some one they love .But you also can't stop them from doing what they love ."

"So what your saying is let her go ?"

"What I'm saying is go with her ."

"I will ."

We start to walk back to the house but hear a noise coming from the water .It was like a gurgling .

"I'll go see what it is ." Percy says .

He walks toward the water ,and out of nowhere it shoots water up into the sky, and all of it lands on Percy .

"Thanks Dad ."

The water slowly goes back to normal as if nothing had happened .

"What was that about?"

"He got mad because a rock hit Rainbow -the hippocampus- in the head ."

"That makes sense."

"Does it really ?"

"Noo it really doesn't ."

"Well then I'll tell you how we met Rainbow ."

So he told me the story which was actually about one of his quests .

"So why did you retire ?"

"I was ...afraid.. I thought that after you came you, and Leo ,and Piper would take the roll of being hero's ."

"We are all hero's till we die we can't retire .Even if we retire the oracle will make prophecies for us .When there is a prophecy we answer ."

"I will... I promise ."

"You better tell Annabeth that ."

"Wanna have a race ?"

"Here to the house ?"

"Yeah ."

"Ready ...Set ...Go!"I kicked his leg so he would fall over so I would get a head start. I ran as fast as I could .He was still getting up .


" You cheated !"Percy screams as soon as he gets in the door .

"Why are you wet ?" Annabeth asked giving him a towel .

"It started raining and this person ," he pointed at me poking my nose ."Kicked me so I fell into a puddle of mud when we were going to race ."

"What do you have to say for yourself."

"I apologize foot your face was really ugly ."

"Why I outta ..." He started marching over toward me his fist in the air.

"Okay okay I'm sorry .Just don't hurt my beautiful face !"Piper looked at me like she wasnt't very pleased with what I had just said .I know deep down that she really isn't pleased she just isn't saying anything.

" Jason .Apologize for real this time ."she says to me .

"Percy I am extremely sorry for my rude behavior."

"I don't except it but I will except 5 dracma ." he puts his hand out .I fish out five dracma from my pocket and place them in his palm.

"Thank you .That's all man I forgive you ."he was about to step on the carpet when Annabeth held him back .

" Better hose you down first ." she says then pats his shoulder. She takes an umbrella then puts rain boots on and walks out the door with Percy in tow.

"Jason ?"Piper says .

" Yes ?"

"Annabeth ,and I would like to apologize for acting so, emotional over our parents its just .We are going threw our own problems, like planing our wedding, and were just really frustrated ."

"I understand .I know I'm not the most emotional fiancé ,but you can tell me stuff .I can help you plan .Just what ever you need tell me ,and I'll be there to help." we hug then Percy , and Annabeth walk in from outside Percy now even more wet - but clean .

"Go take a shower while I make us some hot chocolate ." she tells Percy .

"Okay ." he marches up the stairs then turns toward the direction of their bedroom.

"Thanks Annabeth you da best ." I tell her when she hands me some cocoa .

"Yes thank you ." Piper says graciously .

"You're welcome ."Annabeth tells us .

"Wanna watch reruns of ' Hercules Busts Heads '?"Nico suggests. I almost forgot that Nico was there .He's just so quiet its hard to notice him .

"Sure ."

So we watched Hercules Busts Heads for about an hour when Percy came out of the shower .He walked up to us in his spider man pajamas then sat down, and grabbed so cocoa.

"It turns out Hermes was right it is a great show " Percy says.

"Yeah I really liked it ." Annabeth says sarcastically .

"Totally awesome ." Piper also says in a sarcastic tone .

"Come on was it not interesting ?" I ask them .

"No not really" Annabeth and Piper say in unison.

"OK then what do you guys want to watch ?"

"Everybody Loves Raymond ."Piper says.

" I was just thinking the same thing ."Annabeth says to her .

"Really no way !"

"Yeah way !"

So I turn it on and end up really liking it .It was episode were Debra gets pregnant ,and tries to keep Rays mom away from the baby .

"That was adorable ." we all agreed on watching it for next few hours .


"Aren't we suppose to ask Chiron for a quest ?"Annabeth asks .

"Oh yeah I almost forgot .I asked him ,and he said yes .We leave tomorrow."I tell her .

"Wait a minute .Jason why didn't you tell us sooner ."

"I forgot .Didn't you hear me say I almost forgot at the beginning of the sentence ?"

"I did ..... Oh never mind ."

"Is Annie confused ?"

"I'm not confused just ..."

"Confused ."

"Shut up!"

"Wise girl ."

"Thunder head !"

" Chaseing my tail ."

"Staple eater !"

" Bed wetter !"that is something Thalia must have told her from when I was little .I used to wet the bed when I was younger but now I don't .

"Dumb blond !" Annabeth ran away crying after I said that .

"Jason that was really mean !"Piper screams at me .

" I'll go talk to her ."Percy says running up the stairs to there room .

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