I meet the God of Pain ... and his Daughter

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When I began to move the world shifted around me .

"Demigods cannot move on foot in the shadow world ."the voice spoke into my mind .

"Will you lead me through this place ?" I think .

"I will ."

"Who am I forgetting ?"

"No one ." Something about this voice made me feel uneasy .Was all she saying true or is it all in my head? That's it I must be loosing it .I'll open my eyes and wake up in my bed with Reyna at my side .

"How do I move ?"

"Use your mind Jason Grace .It will form around you .It answers to you ."

" Here goes nothing ."I say .I then make the ground beneath me solid .

I step then she says ,"Good ." we continue to walk till I see a castle .

"Who lives there ?"I say looking at it .It has a tower on both sides and is made completely of these blackish , red bricks .

"My father."

"Who ?"

"Diemos ." I continue to walk than I stop because I see gates in front of me .

I will them to open and see a guy that looks no older than me with brown hair , red eyes ,and fair skin standing in front of me .

"Who are you ?"he asks cocking his head to the side .

"Jason Grace ."

"What are you ?"

"A demigod ,son of Jupiter ."I see his eyes flicker to the space beside me .

"Dalian what are you doing out ?"he asks ,he then snaps his fingers and I see her .She is about my height with sapphire blue eyes ,and dark drown hair .She's wearing a ivory white dress and flats of the same color .

"You need to get inside ,both of you ."as he says this the room begins to take shape and I see a long portrait on the wall with a curtain over it .

"What's your dad ?"I ask Dalian .

"He's the god of pain , son of Ares and Aphrodite .Brother to Phobos ?"she turns to look me in the face and as she does her form changes .One minute she looks like the girl I previously saw ,then next she has brown hair and darker skin and brown eyes .

"Why did you change?"

She sighs than says "I can adapt to your sense of beauty ."

" Like Aphrodite ?"

"Exactly like her ."

"How ?"

"When I was born ,I was dead ,so my dad asked her for me to live.In exchange for my life he was dambed to live down here. She gave me apart of her soul.That's why I can change forms."

"I thought immortals couldn't die ."

"I never said I was immortal .Let me show you." She says holding out her hands .

I take them and close my eyes .What I see is fragmented like memories usually are .

"Please help mother ."I heard him say .

"I will ."Aphrodite says taking Dalian in her arms .She kisses her forehead than I hear her cry.

"In turn for the child's life you are to be damed to the shadow world . You need to protect her .Do not let her fall in love .Ever ,it's much too dangerous ."in the background I saw a young Ares .

He pretty much looked the same . But there was something different about him ,he looked as if he were pained to see his son go .It then changed to her mother .Her mom had blond hair and sapphire blue eyes .She looked really in love with Diemos .I saw Dalian still in the womb how much movement she had and then she stopped. As the pictures faded I saw Ares and it looked like he was happy . I saw two young boys by his side and Afrodite .I saw her dad and his brother playing war .Pretending to kill each other .When suddenly I saw Phobos collapse to the ground .He was spasming on the grass and I saw Diemos smile .

" Sorry .Those were memories I copied from my father ."she told me dropping her hands to her sides .

"Your father can inflict pain on people yes ?"

"He uses it to gain power .To get what he wants ."

"Show me more ,please ?"she stretched out her hands and took them and it started to reform.

"Stop please!" I heard Afrodite plead .

"Why should I show you mercy when I do not get any from you ?"he yelled at her .

"Diemos stop hurting mother she didn't mean to ."I heard his brother plea .I saw Afrodite slowly sink to the floor over come by her sons power .

"Stop !"he demanded .

I saw him use his powers on Diemos but it didn't stop him ,Diemos was too strong.I saw him waver when he saw Ares and what he was capable of .He saw himself in his fathers place then stopped .He released his mother of her pain and she slapped him repeatedly in the face.

"I wish you were never born ."she said in disgust leaving the room .

I felt his loneliness .He felt horrible for hurting his mother , but at the sametime it felt good to do it .He was pushed beyond his boundaries, using his powers to help his father attain power .That's how Ares got his seat .He used his sons against them .Diemos could feel the pain they felt ,the helplessness ,they were imobalized by pain or fear .Ares was a power hungry ,child using ,Tyrant. He still is a power hungry ,tyrant .

"You are proving affective boys .I am not disappointed in you ,for now . "He told them .

" I love you ."I heared a female voice say and realized it was Dalian's mother .

"You are my world ."

"I cannot marry you ."

"My father should not stand between us anymore I got him his power I can take it away ."I saw the terror in her eyes .Even though they were those of a baby they worked pretty well .I saw her father leave .I heard an explosion and saw her mother die .I saw how angry Diemos was to find his one love dead by the hands of his father .

"Ares killed my mother !" She told me .

"If Afrodite didn't like your dad then why did she save you ?"

"She saw my innocence .How fragile and human I was .She took it away from me .She robbed me of a normal life of fighting off monsters and going on quests .I have never gone out of this realm .Father does but I am not allowed to go with him ."

"What if I take you with me ,on my quest ?Would that make you happy Dalian ?"

"Yes ,very ."

"Then its settelded ,we leave tonight ."

"Okay ."She says then walks off down the long corridor .

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