We See Happy The Dragon

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"Piper where are you ?"I yell from downstairs .We well Annabeth and I have been looking for her for an hour .

"She went out for a run ."Leo says from in the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner ?"

"You didn't ask ." he says cracking a smile .

"You better run midget ." I say forming my hand into a fist .

"Yikes gotta run now ." Leo says running away from me .

"Come back here !" I scream running after him .We run into the forest and hear a familiar voice say .

"Percy why are you attacking Leo ?" it was Piper .

"Help me .He's trying to kill me !" Leo says running behind her .He's such a coward around me .

"Stop it cupcakes ." Gleeson says from behind us .

"Coach hedge .We haven't seen you in like three years ." Leo says from behind Piper . Leo walks up to him ,and gives him a awkward hug .

"Nice to see you too cupcakes."

"How have things been ?" I ask .

"Really is that the best you got ?"Leo retorts.

" Say one more sarcastic thing ,and I will strangle you ."

"Okay ."

" Oh that's it !"I once again begin to chase Leo around in circles .

"Okay cupcakes calm down or I'll introduce you to my club." He held up this baseball bat like thing.

"Okay were cool ."


"So what were you doing ,talking to hedge anyways ?"Leo asks running up behind Piper .

"I was asking about Jason ."

"Oh ..Well ....That...."

"Don't worry Piper we'll find Jason."I say to Piper in the most sympathetic voice I could manage .She just starts to run ahead of us .


" Percy where have you guys been ? Its almost dawn!" Annabeth tells us the minute we walk in the door .

"I am so sorry sweetie. We were talking to coach hedge, and lost track of time ."

"Yeah totally ." Leo says from the living room .I glare at him .

"Sorry .I'm gonna go take a shower ..." Leo says as he runs upstairs .

"I have something to show you ." Nico says racing down from his room ." Open the window ."

Annabeth opens the curtain ,and gasps .Outside standing about ten feet tall is Festus the dragon .

"I wanted to tell you about that ,this morning but you attacked me ,before I could say anything ."Leo says coming down the steps with his bag slung over his shoulder .

" Thank you ."Hazel says hugging him .Frank looked a little bothered by that .

"No problem .I guess I did use ,him to make a new invention .A newer version ."

"Now can we get going ?" Frank says getting annoyed .

"Wait Festus was so small, the first time, how is he going to hold all of us ?"Piper says .

"Just walk up to his stomach ,and see what I mean by new version of Festus ."

We all walk up to his stomach and see a door.

"I'll go check it out ." Piper says .She then walks in .

"Guys come in it looks amazing !" We walk in ,and see couches ,a TV ,and more doors .

"We each get our own room .I put a symbol of each parent on the door so we know who's is who's ."

I walk up to the door that has the owl ,and a trident .As soon as I walk in I see a queen sized bed with a gray ,and blue comforter with matching pillows on it ,and a bathroom door .I walk into the bathroom ,and see a huge bathtub and a really pretty mural of the ocean on the wall .On the other wall is a window .Out it I see everyone .I never realized that I could actually miss a place that I haven't even left yet .True enough I did already miss this place .I mean we don't know how long this quest will take .We don't even know if all of us will come back alive .

"Percy we've been, on here for five minutes, and you already have to go to the bathroom !"Annabeth yells from the room .

" No . I'm just looking ."

"Good because I need to pee .So get out ." I leave and let her pee then go and meet Piper ,and the others in the living room .

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