New Demons

4.4K 161 212

Summary: Punk!Phil is forced to go to a church youth group where he meets Pastel!Dan.
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Smoking, mentions of drinking, homophobia, a lot of bible talk


Phil is not religious. He understands why some people are, of course, but he was never able to grasp the whole point of religion besides the fact that you could literally just throw all of your problems onto a celestial being until you felt like you were being 'forgiven' for all the wrong you've done in your life.

But the point is that Phil is not religious because why would he believe in a higher power who may or may not be real when he could just believe in himself? When he's having a hard time, it's him that is going to find the solution and fix the problem, not some God who had over seven billion other people he's supposedly looking after.

Maybe, just maybe, he would have been religious if he hadn't been told by several people that God doesn't love him because he prefered sticking his dick into other boys (which doesn't make sense because didn't Jesus forgive literally everyone who has done him wrong? What makes Phil any less of a person just because he loves people with his own genitals?).

His parents, sadly, were one of those people. He remembered sitting them down when he was only fourteen, looking them straight in the eyes, and saying, "I like men."

It was quiet for a few moments before his mum stood up and ushered out of the room, father following closely behind after giving him a sour look. They hadn't talked to him for a few days before his mum sat him down and said, "God will forgive you for your sins if you pray every night. Just don't act on those feelings else you will be going to Hell."

That was the first night Phil had tried a cigarrette. He bummed it off of some eighteen year old standing outside of Tesco, and the fumes had filled his lungs and made his head feel fuzzy and he coughed up a lung, but afterwards he felt as if all of his stress had melted away, out through his nose and into the air, and he returned home that night with a package of Marlboros and a smile.

It had only got worse from there. Every night, his parents said a prayer for him at the dinner table, asking God to help him be rid of his sins and begging this being for the forgiveness that Phil didn't even want. He liked the way he was, he liked how some boys were masculine with facial hair and large muscles while others were petite and had rounded cheekbones and soft hair. Why would he want to change if he's known he was 100% gay ever since he was only seven years old and had his first crush on his best friend at the time? The fact is that he isn't going to change any soon, so why not love himself and the heart and body that he was blessed with from birth?

He sort of melted into a different sort of personality after that. He started smoking one cigarrette a day, before it quickly went to half a pack and then a full one per day. Once that wasn't enough to dull the pain from his parents, he quickly learned that alcohol made him feel bubbly in his stomach and made him giggle at literally anything. The only problem with alcohol is that he wakes up with a pounding headache and once he woke up naked next to an older man, and the rest of the day he was wondering if he was still a virgin or not.

So then he pierced his ears. His father called him a 'faggot' then and told him to take them out because only girls had earrings, but he didn't, and he gradually stretched them until he had big holes in his lobes that he could stick his finger through. His parents were obviously distasteful of them, which is why he enjoyed going down to dinner with them sometimes with pencils in his lobes.

At the age of sixteen, he grew his hair out and dyed it black. That was also when he tried to experiment with eyeliner, but that just made him look like a twat so he ended up ditching it after three months.

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