Masked Intruder

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Summary: Dan is a robber who steals valuable objects nearly every night. When he goes into a flat decorated with plants and stuffed animals, he can't seem to keep himself away. Dan's not used to pretty boys stealing things of his own; especially when they steal his heart.
Word Count: 3590
Warnings: stealing, breaking/entering, cussing
A/N: I'd like to thank my roommate ​ for giving me the idea to write this fic and also insanityplaysfics​ for being my lovely beta. That summary is the worst fucking summary I've ever written but I love this idea so much and I hope you do too!


It was something that Dan was proud of, as fucked up as it was. He just couldn't get enough of everything about it; the thrill, the little prizes he got out of it, hell even the news broadcasters. No matter how hard he tried to get away from his lifestyle, he always ended up going back. His own addiction, his very own little secret. Besides, it's not like anybody was getting hurt in his escapades. Just himself and his own conscious, but that he could deal with.

So what if he broke into houses and stole objects he found compelling? They were just objects and humans should be able to get over the loss of something so materialistic. Rings, money, antiques. Stealing those didn't harm anybody. In fact, they should be grateful for Dan. He helped people realise that family was far more important than items.

Dan didn't necessarily know how he got to this point in his life, where he just went to other people's houses to steal meaningless crap, but he couldn't be more thankful. One day he was just a silly little teenager trying to be edgy by sneaking into places he wasn't supposed to be in, and the next moment he was a twenty-five year old man breaking and entering all to steal that new movie he's been wanting for weeks. Some would say that he was stupid for risking going to jail just for a movie, but Dan didn't give a single fuck.

He lived for the thrill, thrived on it, loved knowing that he was right underneath the cops' fingertips and they still couldn't find him after ten years of the same games. The cops were smart, but Dan was smarter.

Which is how he found himself crawling through the window of a random flat at one in the morning. He'd had his eyes on this particular building for days, watching, waiting for the right time to take what was now going to be his. He'd always liked to learn a little bit about his next victim, from when they usually went to bed to when they left for work and even if they had any animals he had to look out for.

This particular flat owner was stupidly easy to break into. There were no animals Dan had to worry about. They lived alone, went out every Friday night until the morning came, and on nights they were in, their light shut off at approximately ten o'clock. Easy peasy. Dan had little to nothing to worry about, especially since the person was away doing who-knows-what on this gorgeous Friday night.

Even knowing the flat owner was out, he still made sure to be unnecessarily quiet. Dan wasn't an idiot and there was always that sneaking feeling that anyone could walk in during any point in Dan's little adventure.

He set his feet on the carpet as quietly as he could, listening to the soft thud that he made and pausing for a moment, listening. It was dark in the apartment, as he thought it would be, but he wasn't going to turn on any lights so he just let his eyes adjust for a moment. Everything was a different shade of grey, the shadows jumping out at him and trying to force him outside of the foreign place. He didn't listen to them and began to venture farther inside, leaving the window open slightly just in case he had to make a quick escape.

Once his eyes adjusted, Dan noticed that he'd landed inside of a bedroom with a huge wicker bed, a blue and green duvet that was definitely a matching set to Dan's own black and gray one thrown haphazardly across the mattress. There were random pieces of clothing messily left on the floor and random stuffed animals sitting on the night stand. Dan raised his eyebrows at this. Did he stumble across a teenage girl's room?

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