Chapter 5

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An hour before Eric was to show up she was ready to go and excited as hell to see Ghost live again.

A half hour later there's a knock at the door and Ravens almost positive She knows who it is so then opens it to find Eric standing there smiling.

"That's a good song by Ghost one of my favorites." He says and it takes Her by surprise.

"You actually listened to them?" She says shocked.

"Well I did my research on them last night after I left here so I wouldn't look like a complete idiot going to a concert for a band I didn't know and also I didn't want to embarrass you so hopefully it worked plus they do have some great songs." He says with a smile and She smiles as well.

'This might not be as bad as I thought.' Raven thinks to Herself.

"I'm impressed Eric nicely done, I hope you truly enjoy their music because it'll make this experience all the more amazing trust me. We still have time before we have to leave would you like to come in and listen to them with me and have a pre-show drink?" She asks Him and He agrees.

"Your home is quite lovely Raven, almost as lovely as you. You look very beautiful tonight... not that you don't look beautiful every time I see you, you just have this glow about you tonight." Eric says to Her before He takes a drink of Rum and Pepsi.

"I... uh.. thank you Eric that's very sweet of you to say, you look very dashing tonight yourself." She stumbles on Her words because She's not used to Him complimenting Her.

They both blush but hide it in a way so neither one can tell. It's finally time to leave for dinner and they both pick a place that's not cheap but not expensive either then they goes to a bar for a couple drinks to kill time before the show. When they arrive they get right up in front of the stage right in the middle of it.

"I've never been this freaking close omg I'm so excited!!" Raven says jumping up and down laughing and Eric smiles at Her.

"I'm happy that you're so happy to be here Raven I can't wait to see how you're gonna be when they start playing." He says to Her.

"Oh I'll be doing this and singing constantly. I just wish one day I could sing with Papa Emeritus on stage, I think I could truly die a happy woman if that would ever happen." Raven tells Him then thinks to Herself 'Why did I just tell Him that?'.

After three hours of listening to the opening acts (which were good) they start setting up the stage for Ghost and everyone is getting more excited and anxious for them to begin. Suddenly the lights go out and the strobe lights start flashing then a green light shines on stage spotting Papa and the Ghouls, everyone screams, yells, and claps.

"This night couldn't get any fucking better!" Raven yells over to Eric.

"Oh I'm sure it could." Eric says with a smirk on His face.

"Hello, good evening, how are we all doing tonight?" Papa Emeritus asks the crowd, some yell good and some yell other things.

"That's very wonderful to hear. Now before we begin I heard one of our biggest fans is here this evening and Her friend made a request. The request was that His friend, our biggest fan, sing a full song with us. We know Her from Her amazing pictures and YouTube videos of Herself singing our songs so beautifully that we want Her to sing with us. Would Raven Salem make Herself known please." The whole time Papa was talking Raven was standing there speechless looking from Eric to Papa and back again, once He said Her name she Raised Her hand and shouted.

" I'm here Papa Emeritus!!" Her face a brilliant shade of crimson as She announces Her presence to Him.

"Even more Gorgeous in person my dear. Come on up here and we shall start our beautiful experience together." He says to Her while taking Her hands in His and pulling Her up on stage.

"We would like to sing a few songs with you if you don't mind, we really have seen your videos and you're very very talented. The way you sing our songs is like a hauntingly beautiful dream." He whispers to Her so only they can hear Him.

"I.... uhm... I'm sorry this is like a dream come true, I'd love to sing with you for as long as I can, thank you so very much for the beautiful compliment you gave me. I'm ready to do this Papa Emeritus let's begin when you're ready." Raven says before giving each of them a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Well are you all ready to get this concert started?" He asks the crowd and they go nuts.

"Stand by me my lovely and we shall begin with Cirice, we'll sing everything together and won't stop till the songs over." He says to Raven and She nods and grins.

Suddenly the band starts playing and Raven feels a rush of adrenaline course through Her, She looks at Papa and through His eyes She can tell He's smiling and their que to start singing hits.

"I feel your presence amongst us, you cannot hide in the darkness, can you hear the rumble? Can you hear the rumble that's calling?" He doesn't really take His eyes off of Raven and when He does it's only to glance over the crowd. Toward the end of the song when they sing 'Can't you see that you're lost without me?" Papa Emeritus reaches over to Raven to run His fingers ever so gently down Her cheek and jaw which sends excited shivers down Her spine. They sing 'He is', 'Monstrance Clock', and 'Year Zero' then ask Her to sing one last song before She goes back to Her spot in the crowd.

"We would like to sing one last song with our special guest before She goes. We haven't told Her what song yet it'll be a guessing game which won't be hard for you to win my dear." Papa says to Her and the crowd.

"Papa Emeritus, Ghouls, I'm ready bring it on." Raven says smiling at them all.

Once the guitar starts She knows exactly what song it is, it's Dance Macabre.
Everyone can tell how much Raven is enjoying Herself, they all think Her voice is absolutely amazing and can't believe how well it goes with Papa's.

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