Chapter 13

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Raven was in and out of consciousness for hours while the drugs Eric used on her were getting flushed out of her system. Tobias stayed in her room the whole time never leaving her side and barely sleeping because he wanted to be awake when she woke up.

Dawn, Doug and Steven stopped by constantly the couple days she was in there, checking on Her and Tobias, bringing him stuff to eat and things to keep him awake like magazines, video games, a few Stephen King books and Ravens laptop.

Later on that evening Raven woke up completely aware of were she was, not that she was happy about being there but glad she was away from Eric and his psychotic ass.

She looks to her right and finds an exhausted Tobias sleeping in a chair while holding her hand so she gives it a little squeeze and he bolts awake.

"Raven my love you're awake!!" He almost falls out of his chair as he tries to get as close to her as he can.

"Yes I am my darling and I am so happy to see your smiling face." She says while sitting up.

"Easy now baby don't hurt yourself. I'm so sorry that stupid bastard did that to you. I could've killed him once I saw what he did to you." He brings her hand to his face and holds it against his cheek.

"It was awful.. He wasn't ever going to let me go.. He said one way or another I would be his... He'll never stop coming after me." A tear runs down her face as she hears the faint echo of his voice in the back of her mind.

Tobias wipes the tear and climbs on to the bed with her and just holds her as she cries into his shoulder.

"He'll never hurt you again I promise you Raven." He says as they lay down and he continues to hold on to her.

"I don't know if you can or should make that promise Tobias.. As much as I wanna believe it I know I'll never be safe from him." She says as she turns on her side, gently placing her hurt arm across him while laying her head on his chest.

"I will make sure you're safe from him, we all will my sweet." He tells her while softly running his fingers through her hair and she smiles.

"I love you so very very much Tobias, I always feel safe when you're around." She says to him as she lifts her head up to look into his beautiful soul searching eyes as he looks down at her smiling.

"I love you too Raven, more than words can describe. I will always do my best to keep you safe." They lean towards one another and kiss so passionately, so... beautifully that their souls become one that night.

Eventually they both fall asleep and sleep till late morning when Dawn and Doug stop in to check on them.

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