James And Sirius

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Once, Sirius lay awake at night, unable to sleep, tossing and turning. Holidays had begun and so had the regular taunting and torturing that went on at home. He missed James with all his heart and would have done anything, anything, to be in Potter Manor at that second, talking about random nonsense with his best mate.

And he fumbles around beneath his pillow for the mirror and sees darkness and he just whispers, " James ?" knowing regretfully that James would be sleeping peacefully.

But nevertheless, James' cheeky, grinny voice comes from the mirror , " What do you want in the middle of the night at 2:15, you idiotic dog ?"

And Sirius kind of chokes on his own shock that at the most unexpected time James would be awake and he manages to say somehow, " You're still awake ?"

And James just replies in a kind of obvious tone of voice, " I'll always be awake for you Padfoot."


A/N- Sirius is like, sooooo me when I miss my best friend in the middle of the night. Keep reading and voting on this story and even if you don't like it, tell me.

James and Sirius are seriously like my one and only BROTP. I ship them in the BROTP sense so hard.

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