Chapter 1

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"(Y/N)!!" Dan yells, opening his arms wide for you to hug him as he greets you, at his front door.

"Hey Daniel!" You say as you nuzzle into his chest and giggle.

You are so glad you are hugging him because if he saw your face now, he'd see a bright red blush upon your face. You really can't help it!

You've been best friends with Dan since you can remember and having a crush on him is something you've always had to hide - you're used to it! But the more comfortable you become with him the more it becomes harder for you to open up to him. Feeling his long arms drape around your torso always gives you butterflies and you wish his hugs would last forever.

"You alright?" He asks, pulling out of the hug, smiling.

"Yeah I'm alright" You laugh, looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Come on then" Dan says, rapidly escorting you into the kitchen, "I've got something to show you!"

Dan jogs over to the toaster excitedly and puts a slice of bread into it, with the biggest smile on his face ever, showing his cute, little dimples that you adore.

"What are you doing Dan?" You smirk, rolling your eyes at his craziness.

"Just watch young (y/n) and prepare to be amazed!"

After a few minutes, Dan hears the toaster pop up and runs to it like an excited puppy, picking up the toast and shielding it as he places it onto a plate.

"Wait, wait, wait" he quickly says, as his soft hands are gently placed over your eyes to cover them; Dan is always trying to surprise you!

"What are you doing Dan?" You giggle.


Dan removes his hands and points out the piece of toast with the imprint of Benedict Cumberbatch's face on it.

"Taa daa!" He yells enthusiastically.

"Oh my god Dan" you laugh, facepalming yourself.

"Isn't it a piece of art?!" He says, grabbing the piece of toast and making it come closer to your face.

"Daaan~" you moan, moving back slightly.

"Haha sorry" He says, placing the toast back on the plate, "Phil got it for me as an early christmas present and I'm completely obsessed with it!"

"You really are a goof ball sometimes Howell" You grin, running your fingers through his fluffy, hazelnut hair, matching the colour of his glistening eyes.

"I know~" he says, blushing a little in embarrassment.

"Aww don't worry Dan, I like your silly Benedict Cumberbatch toaster" you giggle, making him smile a little.

"Thanks" he smirks, "Come on then, it's time to beat you at Mario Kart!"

Dan races out of the kitchen to the living room as you run after him. He yanks your arm, pulling you onto the sofa with him, making you laugh even more.

You really love these moments with Dan.

"Bring it on Howell" you glare, grabbing your steering wheel.

"Same to you (y/l/n)" he winks.


"How have you won nearly every race?!" Dan exclaims as he sinks into the sofa.

"Face it Dan, I'm just too good for you!"

"Yeah you are" he says.

Was he being serious or was he joking? Sometimes you can never tell with Dan (probably because he's sarcastic most of the time) but you know that even if he was being serious, it's so not true because if anything, he's too good for you.

"Aww don't sulk" You pout, sinking into the sofa and nuzzling into Dan's shoulder.

Dan puts his chin on top of your head and replies "Nah, I can't stay mad at you" making you blush like crazy.

You both stay in your position for a while but you began to feel awkward as you are still 'just friends'.

"Is it hot in here?" You ask quickly, getting up to open the window. Why is it you always ruin the moment? You always regret that.

"Yeah, I guess it is" Dan coughs awkwardly, "Hey Phil will be back in a bit, do you wanna order some food?"

You scooch back next to Dan, who is now sitting up.

"Thought you'd want some more Benedict Cumberbatch toast" you tease, poking Dan's side.

"Haha, nah I was thinking pizza" he chuckles.

"Fine by me"

"Okay, I'll be right back" Dan says tweaking your nose and getting up to grab phone.

Why can't you just be together already?!

A/N HEY! So this is my first fanfic and I hope it's not too crappy but it's a Dan Howell x Reader one and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Cringy but cute! 🙈 If you have an ideas or suggestions feel free to comment! Thanks!
~ Katie

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