Chapter 14

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A/N Dunno why but I imagine the cover of "I Miss You - Blink 182" by 5 Seconds Of Summer with this chapter so if you listen to that whilst reading this chapter, prepare to become emotional ;) -

After picking up the basics, you are able to following Dan's steps perfectly; Dan giggles every time he makes you dizzy from spinning you around and you look into his beautiful hazelnut eyes as he pulls you closer. A few times, you have stood on his foot and made him complain but laugh it off and he occasionally sweeps you off your feet - luckily for you, he catches you every time!

"See" Dan says, "You're a natural!"

"Thanks" You smile.

With one final sweep, Dan picks you up into a bridal carry and places you on the red silky sheets of the bed. You sit up and move over, allowing Dan to sit on the edge of the bed, next to you, and place his long arm around you.

"I think you're ready for the slow dance at the big after party!" Dan tells you, nuzzling into you.

"Haha, let's hope so!" You giggle, taking in the warm musk of his shirt, "Don't want to stand on your feet during the real thing!"

"Who said you were dancing with me?" Dan teases.

Your face quickly drops and you feel like a complete idiot. Of course that would happen. Dan's probably got his eye on some drop-dead gorgeous model that he can dance with, in front of all of those people - with his looks, it's hardly difficult!

"I was only kidding" Dan whispers closely to you, "Of course, I'll be dancing with you!"

A smile quickly emerges on your face and Dan notices that very quickly.

"Your mood changes so quickly with a few words" Dan states, "I hope I'm not the one that makes you sad"

You look up at Dan and instead of looking down from your eyes to your lips, he is looking all seriously into your eyes. Nothing he has said has ever been so accurate. If he knows how his words affect you, he probably is really careful when he talks to you - he cares.

"You're not Dan" You reply, laying onto his shoulder, "What makes you think I am sad sometimes?"

"It's only human!" Dan says, "And I know you've been through a lot in the past"

Your face quickly drops again but this time, Dan can't see it. You know that he is only trying to comfort you and tell you how strong you are for overcoming past problems, but being reminded only hurts more. Only Dan knows what you have been through completely. Through all the bullying, he'd be the one to tell you that you were brave and that you were perfect, even though you told yourself you weren't. It was even harder when the bullies discovered that your Dad had died. Your Dad fought illnesses off all the time and Dan would often come with you to visit him in the hospital. Unfortunately, one illness was too powerful to be defeated and he died, with his last words being "I love you (y/n), fight for what you want in life - you know what is right". You cried for weeks and the only person by your bedside, holding you tightly was the boy who was and has always been there for you - Dan Howell.

Tears begin to stream down your face and just as you think that Dan won't notice, you sniffle and he looks down at you, with guilt in his eyes.

"Oh (y/n)..." Dan sighs, cuddling you and placing a thumb against your moist cheek.

You begin to sob more as the memories occupy your mind and the only blur you can see is the eyes of the same boy that was cuddling you when you were just 15 years old.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything" Dan apologises, tears gathering in his own eyes, "He would be so proud of you (y/n) - you've come so far since then!"

You notice a single teardrop fall from Dan's eye - he understands your pain. It's almost as if your eyes are windows to your thoughts and emotions because he always seems to know how you feel, just by looking directly into them.

"You mean so much to me and I hope you know that" Dan says, his voice cracking slightly with emotion, "I want to be there for you always and proving that to you is one of my greatest struggles - I feel like I'm not enough for you!"

"Of course you're enough for me Dan!" You sob, "You're more than enough!"

Dan leans in closer to you and places his forehead on yours, intertwining your hands together.

"I'm not perfect but I'll try to be for you"

"You don't need to try" You tell him, "You already are! You're the only reason I'm still alive..."

Dan looks shocked and shakes his head, disbelievingly.

"Don't say that" He says, "I'm not worth your life (y/n), you deserve to be alive! You are incredibly intelligent and funny and I don't tell you it often enough, but you are so beautiful in my eyes!"

You briefly smile at his comment and he exhales as he smiles back.

"Dan, please be by my side forever" You breathe, placing your hands against his chest.

Dan places his hand in his pocket and pulls out a ring, shaped like a tiara - the one from Tiffany's that you've always dreamed of owning.

"Hold your hand out" Dan says, holding the ring in front of your eyes.

You pass him your hand and he places a ring on your middle finger.

"It's a promise ring" He tells you, holding tightly onto your hand, "It's a reminder for you that I am going to always be there for you and I'll never let you down. I was going to give it you at the after party but I feel like you need it now. I need you to know that I won't ever break my promises to you"

You smile and brush your nose against his, "I know you won't - thank you Dan"

You tilt your head and kiss him on the cheek, making him blush. You then nuzzle against him and begin to fluff his hair up, just like you were this morning.

"I'll let you get away with this, this time and this time only" Dan chuckles, holding tightly onto your hips.

You are so in love with this dork, it's unreal! If only you could tell him that. It was such a sweet gesture for Dan to buy you a promise ring and even though there is so much more ahead, this makes you feel like it's the start of something very special.

A/N Aww that was just too cute XD I hope you agree and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it (it would be so helpful to me :D ) and comment any suggestions for future chapters! Thank yoooou ~ Katie

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now