Chapter 26

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You stand up from the dresser and walk over to Dan.

"What do you think?" You say, twirling.

Dan stays standing with his mouth wide and eyes shining brightly in awe at the ray of sunshine in front of him.

"Well say something Dan!" Louise teases, poking his side and then walking off into the bathroom.

Dan's hands caress your hips, allowing him to pull you closer.

"You look stunning" He whispers, gripping tightly onto your waist.

"You really think so?" You giggle, looking deeply into his chocolate brown eyes.

"I know so" Dan breathes, now running his hands up your sides and grasping your hands.

You look at the floor, smiling away when you feel Dan's fingers pull your chin up so that you can see his cheesy grin.

"I've seen you so happy and confident!" He tells you, brushing his hand across your cheek.

"Neither have I! I have such a great feeling about tonight!" You tell him, grasping onto the collar of his blazer.

"So do I" He replies, releasing you and opening the door, "The cab is going to be here in about 10 minutes babe, so Phil and I will meet you down there"

"Ok bye Daniel" You grin.

Dan winks and closes the door, letting you squeal with excitement. Louise walks out of the bathroom in a purple gown with her hair also curled.

"Wow Louise!" You gasp, "You look amazing!"

"Thanks but I'm nothing compared to you!"

"Lies" You laugh, "Dan said the cab is gonna be here in 10 minutes so we will meet them down there"

"I heard" Louise smirks, "I also saw what you two were up to - flirting and teasing as you eye each other up"


"Don't even lie - the chemistry between you two love birds is overwhelming!" Louise tell you, picking her purse up from the bed, "Seriously, you guys need to admit your feelings for each other because you guys are meant to be"

"I know" You admit, "But what about Hollie?"

Louise spins around and frowns.

"What about her? Dan barely knows her and I can tell he has no feelings for her - don't let her get in the way of you two!"

"But what if he did  like her?" You ask, fiddling with material of your dress, nervously.

Louise walks up to you and places her hands on your shoulders.

"Hun believe me -they wouldn't last because Dan is head over heels in love with you! He may not admit it but if you were to tell him how you really felt, he'd open up to you too! Just wait for the right moment but I am telling you straight up, you two will be together one day and if you like him that much, you'll wait much longer!"

"Thanks Louise" You say, looking up at her, "Maybe tonight is the night"

"Maybe so" Louise smiles, taking her hands off of your shoulders and walking towards the door.

Louise opens the door, letting you walk through it and her follow you. She pulls the handle up and locks the door and you both begin walking down the hall. You reach the lobby and see Dan and Phil, in suits, standing around waiting. They look in your direction and you see Dan's face light up. You walk towards him and grasp his hand.

"Ready?" Phil asks, linking arms with Louise.

"Indeed we are" You say, looking up at Dan.

The four of you walk out of the hotel with flashes of cameras hitting your eyes. Looking down at the ground, you manage you to pass through the crowd of paparazzi and get into the cab.

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now