Chapter 27

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You feel Dan's arms wrap around you from behind.

"You were fine earlier, what's the matter?" Dan asks softly.

"H-h-hollie" You stutter as teardrops fall down your cheeks.

"What happened with her?"

"She told me I was a waste of space" You sob, putting your hands over your face.

Dan sighs and spins you around so that he can hold you close.

"Well you're not so don't listen to her" Dan says, pulling your hands from your face and replacing them with his own delicate touch, "She's a liar obviously and she does it to get what she wants"

"I know but it still hurts" You cry.

Dan pulls you for a hug and rubs your back gently with his hands, comforting you.

"I'm here for you. It's fine. Don't let her ruin today!" Dan tells you.

You look up at Dan with a weary smile.

"She already has. I hate the way I look now and I just want to run away" You admit.

Dan places his forehead against yours.

"You look freaking gorgeous (y/n)!" He breathes, his lips just centimetres from yours, "Please don't go but if you want to run away from it all, I'll run alongside you - remember that!"

You smile and lay your head on his shoulder.

"Thank you Dan" You whisper closely to his ear.

"It's okay" He replies, "We have to go and take our seats now so it's time to decide whether you will join or go"

You look up at him and grasp his hands by your side.

"It's your time to shine - I wouldn't miss it for the world" You tell him, making him smile.

"Come on then" Dan winks, pulling you towards the entrance.

You walk past the dressing rooms, along the velvet carpet beneath your feet and reach then arena entrance. Dan guides you to your seat which is just a few rows from the front and you're in-between Dan and Louise with Phil on the other side of Dan. Louise smiles at you and Dan places his hand against your thigh, slowly rubbing his palm up and down your leg.

"Dan we are going to be on live TV - we need a fringe check!" Phil states.

"Agreed!" Dan responds, looking at Louise.

Louise rolls her eyes and pulls out a mirror from her purse, handing it to Dan and Phil. They both begin running their fingers through their fluffy fringes, making sure they stay positioned. You and Louise sit back and giggle at how obsessed they are with their fringes and Dan passes the mirror back.

"Quite finished?" You giggle.

"I can't have a floppy fringe on stage" Dan chuckles.

"So you admit you will win then?" You tease.

"You two will win, trust me!" Louise says.

You all face the front and watch the lights dim down and hear the crowd roar - the atmosphere is amazing! With tense background music building and stage lights flashing, you witness two presenters, running onto the lit stage.

"Good evening everybody!"

The entire arena erupts with screams and shouts and you look at Dan who is grinning as he looks around the building at all of the lights and people. This is Dan's night.


Louise has won the award for the best female vlogger which she was very pleased with and following her, Joe Sugg won the award for the funniest original idea with his whisper challenge videos, which Dan, Phil and Louise had all featured in. You know that it is now time for the Youtube duo award. Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes walk onto the stage, whilst the crowd cheers and Zoe has an envelope to hand.

"Hello everyone!" Alfie yells, signalling with his hands.

The arena continues to cheer as Alfie and Zoe make their way to the podium.

"Alfie and I are here to announce the winner for the best Youtube duo of this years award show!" Zoe announces.

"There are some amazing nominees up for this award and we can't wait to find out who will win" Alfie says into the microphone.

"The nominees are..."

"Tyler and Troye..."

The crowd roar after every duo is announced.

"Casper and Joe..."

"Joey and Shane..."

"and Dan and Phil" Zoe shouts.

The arena creates an ear-splitting scream and you look to Dan and Phil who look very happy but also very nervous. You reach out for Dan's hand and he looks at you with a big grin, holding tightly onto your palm.

"And the winner is..." Alfie begins.

Zoe rips open the envelope, pulling out a card and smiling as she does so.

"DAN AND PHIL!" They both scream.

The entire audience booms and Dan and Phil stand up from their seats, stepping over peoples' legs and making their way to the stage. You could've predicted it as Phil trips up the stairs, but luckily maintains his balance, making Dan laugh as he walks onto the stage. Zoe picks up the award from beneath the podium and hands it to Dan and Phil, who lift it up in the air, making the crowd go wild.Then, Alfie and Zoe step back, allowing Dan and Phil to stand behind the podium.

"Hello everyone!" They both shout.

"We'd just like to thank you so much for this amazing award and opportunity" Phil says into the microphone.

"Including our subscribers, our fellow Youtubers, our family and friends" Dan says, "Especially one of my closest friends, (y/n), she has been with me even before Youtube and her support has kept me going for so long - I love you!"

You feel yourself blush as you hear the audience simultaneously aww. Louise puts her arm around you and you continue to look up at the stage, with Dan looking directly back at you.

"I'm glad that we make you all laugh and that you think that together we are "The Best Youtube Duo" so that thank you very much and have a good night!" Phil smiles and nods.

They turn around and give Zoe and Alfie a quick hug and then they make their way down from the stage, returning to their seats. Dan sits down and wraps his arms around you.

"I'm so proud of you!" You squeal.

"Thank you for trusting in me - I really didn't think we would win!" Dan says, holding onto your hands.

"I knew you would" You reply, looking into his eyes.

You really did. This moment is perfect and you can't wait for tonight to celebrate Dan and Phil's success.

A/N Woo Dan and Phil won! But the surprise is quickly approaching so prepare yourself! I hope you're enjoying this still and that you will share this with others too :) Thank you ~ Katie ^.^

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now