Chapter 34

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You dry your eyes and decide to take a nap on the plane. You hoped that you'd fall into such a deep sleep,  that you would wake up and find that it was all  just a nightmare or better yet, that you just would never wake up again. After an uncomfortable flight home, the plane finally lands and you get off.

You're back in the UK but it feels incredibly different as no one is beside you despite going to America with someone in the first place. You walk through the entrance and look around at all the couples running up to each other, hugging, kissing and saying 'I missed you'.

You miss Dan.

Keeping your eyes looking down at the floor, you walk over to the convey belt and pick up your suitcase. You look at the case and remember it was the one that Phil let you borrow. You figure that you'll have to send it back eventually but that's the last thing on anyone's mind right now. Once you make your way out of the airport, you stand outside and call for cab. Honestly, you have no idea where you are going.

A cab pulls up and you quickly take out your phone, bringing up the address that the carer has sent to you.

"Hello there lass!" The cab driver greets you, with a thick Scottish accent, "Where 'bouts are you heading?"

You show him the screen of your phone.

"That's a lovely photo you got of your gentleman friend but I don't quite think that's an address" The cab driver chuckles.

Embarrassed and blushing, you type in the passcode to your phone and the address finally appears on the screen.

"Oh right, that's not very far from here" He says, "Hop in, free of charge, you look you got jet lag pretty bad!"

"Thank you" You giggle, opening the door.

You click your seatbelt in and the cab pulls out onto the road.

"So are you visiting your gentleman friend or is there another reason?" The cab driver asks.

"No, I'm visiting my mum, she's quite ill" I reply, twiddling my thumbs.

"Oh no that must be awful" He says.

"Yeah" You reply, "And he's not my 'friend' anyway"

The driver looks confused.

"Oh" He says, "So is he your partner?"

"No." You reply.

"Oh ok, I just thought that you two just seemed so cute together in that photo"

"So did I" You say under your breath.

The driver continues to drive around each lane and then he pulls up across the road from a rather large, Victorian style house.

"And here we are my wee lass!" The driver announces, "No need to pay me, just you look after that mother of yours!"

"Thank you very much!" You smile, politely.

You open the cab door and step out onto the cobblestone road. You take a deep breath and walk towards the house. You really don't know how this is going to be - you haven't seen your Mum in ages! You don't even know exactly how ill she is.

Can she speak? Can she hear? Can she see? Will she even know who you are anymore?

Questions circulate your tired mind as you walk up to the wooden door and hammer your fist against it. You wait momentarily and then a middle-aged lady with brunette hair, tied back in a neat bun, answers.

"Hello" She says.

"Hello, I'm (y/n)" You say, "I believe that I'm expected here?"

"Oh yes you are indeed! I'm Margaret by the way" The lady smiles, opening the door wider, "Come in, come in!"

"Thank you"

You walk into the old-fashioned house and Margaret closes the door behind you.

"You may take your bag upstairs to your bedroom and get unpacked and then I will wake your mother" She says, "Go straight ahead up the stairs and your room is the first door on the right"

"Okay, thanks"

You walk up the wooden, carpeted stairs, hearing the creaking floor boards beneath your feet and continue to walk down the hall. You look to your right and open the patterned door. Looking around the room you notice a simple bed and wardrobe against the wall. Sighing, you walk in and place your case on your bed. You figure it's time to unpack so you unzip the suitcase and begin to take out your clothes and hang them up on the coat hangers in the wardrobe.


I board the plane and take my seat, wondering if I will ever see (y/n) again. I seriously miss her and saying goodbye is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done but maybe, if God is on my side, I will win her back and I won't have to say goodbye. I have the worst feeling ever that it won't turn out like that though.

After a while, I notice that I have no idea where she is going. I can't ring her because she will know I'm coming and she's probably blocked my number by now. Panicking, I pull my laptop out of my backpack and open the lid. I type my password '(y/n)' into it and load up skype, so that I can call Phil.

"Missing me already?" Phil laughs.

"Ha ha" I say sarcastically, "I just remembered that I have no idea where I'm going!"

"Oh yeah!" Phil exclaims, running over to the other side of the room.

Phil runs back with a piece of paper in his hand.

"When (y/n) went to the bathroom at the airport, I got the address off of her phone!" Phil says, "I'm a ninja Dan, I'm telling you!"

"No you're a lifesaver that's what you are!"

"I'll send you the address" Phil says, "You can thank me later!"

"Oh I will!" I respond, "Bye Phil!"

"Bye Danny!"

I hang up the call and take down the address of the place that (y/n) has gone to, on my phone. I decide to go to sleep for the rest of the flight, dreaming up ways to win the girl I've loved for 10 years back. What the hell am I going to say when I get there?

A/N So Dan is on his way to Scotland and you're already struggling to settle in. What will happen when you see your Mum? But most importantly, what will happen when you see Dan? Find out very soon! ~ Katie

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now