Chapter 3

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Looking at all the pizza slices actually made you feel slightly sick, so you only nibbled on one slice that Dan put on your plate. It's weird how crying for so long makes you lose your appetite. Phil gave you a small hug when you walked back into the living room with Dan and you all decided to forget what happened. The thing is, even though you cried, you don't want to forget it. Your feelings for Dan were finally allowed to be shown to him and even though nothing serious happened, you still got the chance to embrace him.

You're definitely not okay though; you are feeling incredibly ill as if a wave of death has come over you.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Dan says, looking concerned.

"Y-yeah" you lie, shivering slightly.

"You look quite pale (y/n)" Phil comments, clearing some of the plates up.

"I'm f-fine" You mumble.

"Really?" Dan asks, raising an eyebrow at you.

Dan always knows when you're lying so you have to be cautious at times. But he knows exactly how you are feeling right now. You look to Dan and nod but he isn't taking any of your crap and honestly, neither are you

"Come here then" He says, patting the beanbag he is sitting on.

You slowly get up from the sofa, fighting the nauseousness, and walk over to the beanbag. You perch on the beanbag next to Dan and he grabs your arm.

"Liar" he says, looking at the goosebumps on your arm and looking to see your pale face, "You're feeling ill after all those tears aren't you?"

Damn it. How does he always guess correctly? You nod.

"I'm not letting you go home alone like this" He says, putting his arm around you and pulling you close to him, "You can stay here with us".

"Thank you" you smile, laying on your side, cuddling Dan's.

"You don't need to hide this from me you know" He says all seriously, looking into your eyes.

What? Does he know that you like him? Did Phil say something?

"Aww" Phil coos as he walks in to see you and Dan snuggling in the beanbag, "Look at you two getting all lovey dovey"

Dan looks down at your pale face and looks back at Phil and replies "It's not 'lovey dovey' Phil, she's genuinely not feeling well"

"Oh, does she want anything like some tablets and a glass of water?" Phil asks, seriously.

"If you don't mind" Dan says, looking back at you and rubbing your cheek softly with his thumb.

Phil walks back into the kitchen and Dan winks at you, making you crack a tiny smile. Dan is being so adorable right now and it's slowly making you feel better but you are still slightly confused with what he said earlier, about not hiding things from him.

"Got the tablets and water" Phil says, walking around the coffee table and passing them to Dan.

"Cheers" Dan says, taking them from his hands.

"I need to go and film a video, do you mind if I leave you guys to it?" Phil asks.

"Sure, we'll be fine won't we?" Dan smiles at you.

You nod and say "Yeah we will".

Of course you'll be fine, it's just going to be you and Dan, alone, cuddling on a beanbag - what else do you need?

"Thanks guys, see you a bit later" Phil winks as he walks off to his bedroom.

Dan looks down at you and slowly sits you up.

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now