Chapter 9

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A/N Can't believe how many of you are reading this! Thanks so much! But anyway, this next chapter is going to based around the night before the flight to America ;)

You have the majority of your things at Dan's house already so you begin by packing these into a big suitcase that Phil has let you borrow especially for the trip. You begin rolling and folding your clothes and puzzling them in so they fit and then it gets to the hard part - zipping it up!

"Come. On." You pant, pushing all your weight on the case to do it up.

Dan walks in and immediately smirks at the sight of you attempting to do the up the case.

"Struggling are we?" Dan grins.

You let go of the zip and stand up, wiping a few beads of sweat off of your forehead and nod, panting still. Dan rolls his eyes and walks over to the suitcase.

"You have so much stuff jammed into this thing!" Dan exclaims, fumbling at the zip.

"Well we are going for 2 whole weeks Dan!"

"Tell you what" Dan says, letting go of the zip and standing up, "Sit on it"

"What?" You scoff.

"Trust me, it'll help - sit on the case!"

You do as Dan says and leap on top of the case, pushing as much force onto it as possible. You elevate your legs and Dan tries again to push the zip around the case. After a few minutes of Dan going red in the face and sweating as he forces the zip to move, he eventually gets it to shut.

"Holy mother of God!" Dan exclaims, falling onto the floor, in a hot sweaty mess.

You giggle and get off of the case.

"Thanks Dan~" You say, still laughing at the state he is in.

"No worries" Dan pants, "Just nearly DIED of exercise!"

You laugh and hold out your hand which he grasps and allows you to pull him to his feet.

"You need to work out more Daniel" You state, rolling your eyes.

"Pfft, as if!" Dan laughs.

You walk over to your list, on top of Dan's chest of drawers, just to double check that you have everything when you remember that you need to get something from home.



"I sorta need something" You say, pouting.

"Don't even tell me that we need to undo that case!" Dan complains, pointing at you.

"No we don't" You giggle, "But there is something I need to get from home, that can go in my hand luggage"

"Oh ok, I'll pop over and get it if you want" Dan says, beginning to walk out of the bedroom.

"No Dan wait!"

"What?" Dan asks, turning around.

"It's something that I'd rather get myself" You say, shuffling your feet and biting your lip nervously.

"Oh" Dan says, "Can I at least walk you over?"

"If you must" You say, smiling teasingly.

You both walk out of the bedroom and walk down the stairs to put on your coats and shoes. With Dan's black coat matching his aesthetic and your keys in your hand, you leave Dan's flat and begin to walk home - where you haven't been in a long time!

"So, are you excited?" Dan asks.

"Of course! It's going to be amazing!" You say, enthusiastically.

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now