Chapter 22

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After cuddling on the bench in the park, you both walk back to the hotel with his hand in yours. When you reach the hotel, you see Hollie in the lobby and watch Dan quickly darts his head towards the hall. It's almost as if the temptation is too much for him but you choose to ignore it. You go to your room and sit on the bed in your pyjamas and talk to Dan, as your nap before the 'incident' means neither of you are tired.

"I'm so sorry Dan" You say, placing your hand against his cheek again.

"What happened to forgetting?" Dan sighs, placing his hand on yours and pulling it down.

"I'm sorry, I know" You reply, bowing your head, "It's just I can't stop thinking about it. I never saw it coming to that point ever. When you left, I sat on the window sill and reflected on so many things"

"Like what?"

"I just thought about when we were younger and when we would lay on the sofa together and watch lots of films all day - we didn't need anything else. We were quite happy, cuddled up on the sofa. I thought I had lost all of those times."

"You never will lose any of those times silly!" Dan says, pinching the tip of your nose and scrunching up his own.

"I hope not. I liked those times when we were just two best friends and had nothing else to worry about" You tell him, crossing your legs.

"Nothing has changed (y/n)! We still are just two best friends!" Dan replies, leaning on one arm.

"Yeah but we have so much to worry about now"

"I know. That's what happens when you grow up. But remember that you won't be losing me anytime soon, unless you want me to go" Dan smiles, pulling back the covers.

"I never want you to go Dan" You whisper, getting under the bed sheets.

"Then I won't" Dan breathes, kissing your forehead and then snuggling into the covers.

You lay in each others arms and fall asleep to the sound of each others heartbeats - the way it should be.


You wake up to find an empty space next to you in the bed. Where the hell is Dan? Every night you've fallen asleep beside him, you've woken up with him too. You keep thinking that it was all a dream and that maybe you're still in an argument after the whole Hollie thing. No. It seemed to real. You get out of bed, open the curtains and knock on the bathroom door.

No response.

Where is he? You decide to get changed into some black skinny jeans and a white, lace top and quickly style your hair so it is half up, half down. You quickly brush your teeth and apply some mascara and then run out of the room. As you do so, you see Louise walking up the hall.

"Hey Louise"

"Morning!" Louise grins, "How did things go with Dan last night?"

"We made up" You smile, "But I don't know where he is"

"Oh" Louise says, furrowing her eyebrows, "Did he not come back here then?"

"Yeah he did, but he wasn't in bed when I woke up" You reply, shuffling your feet.

"That's a bit odd" Louise frowns, "I haven't seen Hollie this morning either"

That little witch - of course he is with her!

"Fab" You state, sarcastically.

You begin to pace up the hall, ignoring Louise calling after you and start hammering on Hollie's door with your fist, aggressively.

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now