15 years ago

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(After Tai Lung's betrayal)

Shifu's POV:

I can't believe that this would happen. Tai Lung betrayed us, he betrayed me. I raised him like he was my son and trained him hard. But it was my fault he betrayed us, if I had not of trained him into thinking he was going to be the dragon warrior it would not of turned out like this. Not only had it hurt me, it must have hurt Tao Khan as well.

Tao Khan, he was only three when he came to the Valley of Peace looking for a home. I took him to the Jade Palace and let him stay. Looking back now I didn't give him much attention when he showed interest in Kung Fu because I was training Tai Lung so much. When he turned six last year it surprised me when he challenged Tai Lung to a sparing match and won. It seemed as Tao Khan has been training and teaching himself without me knowing. Now he is seven and leaving the Jade Palace because he couldn't handle the fact that Tai Lung betrayed us.

" You shouldn't go out there you are still a kid Tao Khan" I said.

"I'm sorry master but I need to get away from here, Tai Lung was like a brother to me and staying here will just hurt me more." He said. "Don't worry, we will see each other once again, just not for a while. I'll come back one day. I may be a kid, but I know how to defend myself if something was to happen."

I knew he could defend himself, I just wish I had given him more attention so he wouldn't have been alone so much teaching himself kung fu.

" Ok Tao Khan, but promise me one thing" I said.

"What is it master?" he asked.

"Come back in one piece and stay safe." I said.

"Haha. Of course master."he said.

He started for the door, but before he walked out I spoke up. There was one last thing I needed to get off my chest.

"Oh and Tao Khan." I said.

"Yes master Shifu?" He asked.

" I'm sorry for not paying attention to you that much. I know i should have." I said.

He smiled and said " Don't worry about it, if you did I might not be able to do what I can do now."

And with that said he walked out and left the Jade Palace.

The Unknown Student ( A Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction) (Tigress x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now