Suspicious Newcomer

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Shifu's POV:

"If this intruder has the transformation stone, then that means he could be anywhere and anything. We will go in the village and split into groups. Tigress, Po and viper will go with me to the east part of the village. Crane, Monkey, and Mantis, you three take the west." I said. "Look for anything suspicious."

"Yes master!" they all replied.

We all split and looked around the village for any suspicious person. We kept walking and nothing around us seemed suspicious at all. While walking we passed Mr. Pings Noodle Shop and it was busy as usual. It seemed normal there except one thing, there was one that stuck out like a sore thumb. It was a Snow Leopard that was pretty muscular and resembled Tai Lung except not as muscular.

"Look. There in Mr. Pings Noodle Shop." I said.

"Yep he definitely sticks out. But if I was the intruder I would want to transform into a pig or bunny or goat, not something that sticks out like a sore thumb master." said Tigress.

"But what if that is what he wants us to think and that is him. It would mean he would easily get away." said Viper.

With that said I went in and sat down right across from him.

The Snow Leopards POV:

Man I am hungry, I wonder what places they have brought here since I've been gone. I go out to see what they have and I run into a place called Mr. Pings Noodle Shop. Just by the amount of people and the smell I could tell this place was good. I went in to order something to eat.

"Hello and welcome. There is always room for one more at Mr. Pings, what would you like." said who I thought might be Mr. Ping.

"I'll take your best soup and three dumplings please." I said.

"Coming right up" he said.

While I wait three children came up to me and asked who I was. I told them I was a newcomer looking for a new home. After that my food came and I paid for it, thanking him. While I was eating, someone sat down right in front of me and stared at me. I looked up to see a face I haven't seen for so long. Master Shifu. I have to play it cool.

"May I help you?" I ask.

"Who are you? I have never seen you here before." he said.

I had to think up a different name so he wouldn't know who I was. It isn't like I want to, but right now I am on a dangerous mission that I don't want him apart of because it would hurt me more than Tai Lungs betrayal did if he got hurt. He was like a father to me, he took me in when I had nowhere to go.

"The name is Sirus. I just moved here from the Valley of Evergreen(made it up). I was in hope to find a new home." I told him.

" Really, well the Valley of Peace is a great place to do just that." he said. "Though sometimes there is trouble around here, there is protection by the Furious Five. Just last night there was an intruder in the Jade Palace up on that mountain. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?" he asked.

"No, sorry. I wouldn't know anything. I just got here late yesterday and had to check in at one of the motels. Right when I got in my room I was knocked out. Then I woke up this morning." I replied.

Shifu looked suspiciously at me. That is when I realized he wasn't alone. With him were a panda, a snake and the tiger from last night. I got a better look at her and dang she is beautiful. She is looking at me like she thinks she knows I am the one from last night. Little to her knowledge I am.

"Well, sorry but I must get going I still need to look for a good home to buy and settle in and to get familiar with this town. It was nice meeting you and I hope you find this intruder of yours." I said and with that I left Mr. Pings Noodle shop and went back to my motel room.

The Unknown Student ( A Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction) (Tigress x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now