Stealing the Iron

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Sirus's POV:

   Here I was. Gongman City. It is pretty big and crowded. Now I wonder where they store their iron. I didn't like the idea of doing this, but if I am to be able to join the enemy's army I must.

I walk around and look for the place where they store the iron. If I am to steal the iron I would do it at night. While walking I find a big building that looks to be a storage building. I take a peek inside through a window and surely I saw a huge stock of iron tools and more. I am going to need a big net to get all this iron.

I go through town and find stores with the things  I needed to get the iron. Once I get the nets and all I go back to my boat and wait for the sky to turn dark.

Tigress's POV:

   It has been two days of tracking Sirus and we found nothing. Where could he have gone. Why would he act civil one moment and then run like he was a criminal the next unless he was the intruder.

"Where could he have gone?" asked Viper.

"I don't know, but we need to head back to the Valley of Peace." said Master Shifu.

"WHAT! But master he could be anywhere and he still has the stone." I said.

" I know but he could have easily looped around and returned there. Plus we can't leave  the Valley of Peace unprotected" master Shifu said.

With that we headed back towards the village.

Sirus's POV:

   It is time. I grab the nets and put them in a big cart that will be used to hold the iron. I head towards the storage building and when I get there I see a good bit of guards there. Great the building is guarded, of course it is guarded, there is a bunch of iron there.

   I decide to sneak towards the guards at the front door and jumped out and knocked them unconscious. I grabbed the cart and entered the storage room and saw more guards inside. I tried to be sneaky but one of the guards saw me and warned all the others. They all came charging at me and I kept knocking every one of them out one by one. Finally there were no more and I was free to get the iron. I start gathering all the iron I could get when I was attacked. I turned around to see Master Croc and Master Ox there.

"Nice try, but you won't be going any where with that." said Master Ox.

"That's where you are wrong Master Ox. I will." I said.

   They both look at me as they realized I knew them.

"How do you know who we are?" asked Master Croc.

"Please I know about every kung fu master in all of China. Now if you don't mind." I said.

   They both charged at me and I fought them. In the end I hit the nerve on both of them and knocked the unconscious. After that I continued to gather all the iron and put them in the cart. Once I got most of it I headed back toward the boat, got on and left Gongman City.

The Unknown Student ( A Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction) (Tigress x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now