The Map

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Tigress's POV:

This place has gotten better ever sense Shen was defeated. I can't believe that Sirus, if that is his real name, would be able to defeat, not only that many guards, but Master Croc and Master Ox as well. This snow leopard is much more stronger than I thought. We finally are approaching Master Ox and Master Croc.

"Glad you guys are here. As was said in the letter that we sent to you, a snow leopard attacked our storage and took most of our iron." said Master Ox.

"Yes, we know of this snow leopard. We met him in the Valley of Peace not too long ago. At first he seemed civil, but also suspicious. He goes by the name Sirus." said Master Shifu.

"Oh, so you know him. Well, do you know how to defeat him?" asked Master Croc.

"Sadly no, it seems as that we have underestimated his agility and strength." Master Shifu replied. "But hopefully we can track him down and put him where he belongs."

"Right, so we will take you to the storage building and see if you spot anything that we might have missed as a clue to where he went." said Master Ox.

We made our way towards the storage building and went inside. We started to look for any clue that could lead us to Sirus. A hour has passed and there was nothing, not a hint of where he could have gone.

"It looks like he didn't leave a single clue as to where he could have gone. He seemed to have had everything planned to. He only took most of the iron, but left a good portion untouched. If that is the case then he is doing something that requires just that amount of iron and that is all he needed." said Master Shifu.

Right when we were about to leave the building, something caught my eye. It was a piece of paper. I went over and picked it up, not believing my eyes when I saw what was on it. It was a map of China, but not just any map of China. It seems Sirus did leave a clue, a very crucial clue.

"Guys, I don't think he is alone." I said fear evident in my voice.

"What do you mean Tigress?" asked Viper.

"This right here is a map." I said showing the piece of paper. "There is a drawing of lines, they lead from the Valley of Peace to the Wu sister's lair."

When I said that everyone went silent. There was fear in everyones eyes.

"That is impossible. The Wu sisters are locked up in prison. They were put under heavily guarding just so they couldn't escape. How could they be out?" replied Master Ox.

"If they are and Sirus is with them, then that means serious trouble." said Master Shifu

Mater Ox asked to look at the map so I handed it to him. He looked it over many of times.

"It seems as that the Wu sisters have moved location from their old base. This is a different location." said Master Ox.

"How do you know?" asked Po.

"Because their old lair was a volcano located around here." replied Master Ox pointing to where their old location was at when he, Master Croc, and Master Rhino defeated them.

"Well it looks like we are going to go back to the Valley of Peace and we are going to follow the map." said Master Shifu.

With that, we made our way back to the Valley of Peace.

Sirus's POV:

Man that was a party, I have to admit. I have to act on the plan soon. Once I am done and the army is destroyed I can make my way back to the Valley of peace and return the stone where it belongs. That reminded me, the map that led me from the Valley of Peace to this lair. I reached in my back pocket to grab it only to find it empty. Oh no, it must have fell out when I was fighting those guards or Master Ox and Master Croc. Man if they find that map then my plan can be forgotten.

"Hello Sirus." Said Wing from behind me. "What has you all jumpy today."

"Nothing, just thought I lost something important to me." I said. It wasn't the truth, but it wasn't a lie either. I lost my map.

"Really, what is it you thought you lost?" she asked.

"Just something my father gave me before I never saw him again." I lied. "It is really sentimental to me. I would hate to lose it. It is the only thing I have left to remember him by."

"Oh, so you are a sentimental kind of guy huh." she replied. "It sure didn't look like it when we met."

"No I am not. I am not sentimental, it is just the knife my father gave me that is sentimental to me." I said showing her the knife (Butterfly Knife).

"Good, we don't need a sentimental general to lead our army into a war." she said.

After the conversation ended I was left alone once again.

This could end very badly if the map was found.

The Unknown Student ( A Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction) (Tigress x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now